St Patrick’s Day Prize Gallery!


Take a look at all of the grand prizes from previous years, including a look at this year’s prize!





Visit the Clubhouse to chase the Leprechaun! When you find him, click on him to collect 1 of 6 delicious Jelly Coins! Collect all 6 Jelly Coins by St. Patrick’s Day on March 17th, and you’ll win this year’s grand prize—a Lucky Go Kart!


How many of these grand prizes have YOU won? Let us know in the comments below!


84 Responses to St Patrick’s Day Prize Gallery!

  1. Color says:

    Hello, Ganz, I have always loved the Webkinz Charms Forest, and I just discovered the charms and bracelets are sold as actual products. I realize these are not manufactured anymore, but I have seen used ones on eBay. I was considering purchasing some, but I read something considering they were recalled. If this is true, is it still safe to purchase them, or not?

  2. ImaPepper says:

    Wow, I think I have all of these except 2010….cool!

  3. Color says:

    I only really celebrate St Patrick’s Day online, mainly on Webkinz, but I LOVE the prizes they have! I started my first account in 2006, so I have 2010-2015 on that one, and the Lucky Go Kart (2016) on my new account. I should make a St Patrick’s Treasure Room! -ColorColorColor/Trixypixy100

  4. JoyfulLark says:

    I’ve only been a player since 2013 and I “think” I got all the prizes, but I really would have loved the early ones that I missed.

  5. Ndume2004 says:

    My 2014 Leprechaun Statue is still invisible.

  6. Ndume2004 says:

    I wish I could get a plushy of the leprechaun.

  7. LKAGI2 says:

    I have all of them, even for this year already!

  8. Rnw9kinz says:

    i remember last years and the one from 2010 but i can’t remember the others maby cause i did not get on on those days

  9. yankeesgirl says:

    i love the window from last year! it’s still in my st. patrick’s day room! i also loved the emerald shoes from last year. does anyone remember them?

  10. TigerKinzKG says:

    I only have 2014′s prize =P

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