Start Collecting Acorns September!



Start collecting Acorns on the Webkinz Classic Desktop App!


Here’s how it works: From September 1 – 30, look for the Acorn Collection icon on your Kinzville Map on the Webkinz Classic Desktop App, and click on it to see your collection:



You’ll get one free Acorn every day, just for clicking on the collection icon (Deluxe Members will get two free Acorns a day).




Once you have received your free Acorn, you can get five more throughout the day by asking your friends (by clicking the ASK FRIENDS button) or by finding and clicking on the floating Acorn on (make sure you collect your free one first before trying to find one on Webkinz Newz).


Need more friends to help you complete your collection? Click the ASK FRIENDS button, then click the NEED MORE FRIENDS? button to see other players looking for friends and add them to your Friends List.


Here’s a closer look at each prize and how many Acorns you’ll need to collect to win each one:



ATTENTION WEBKINZ NEXT PLAYERS: Do you have a Webkinz Next account that is linked to your Webkinz Classic account? As you reach each prize milestone, your prize will be automatically unlocked on Webkinz Classic AND sent directly to your linked Webkinz Next account the very next day!



CLICK HERE to learn how to link your Webkinz Classic account to a Webkinz Next account.





    • You must have a Webkinz Next account that is linked to your Webkinz Classic account to send Acorn Collection prizes to Webkinz Next.


    • Your Acorn Collection prize will be automatically added to your Webkinz Next Dock the day after you unlock it on Webkinz Classic. You will not be sent a notification that the prize has been added to your account.



This year’s grand prize is extra special because you can display items on top of the Plum Bookcase!


Are you going to start your Acorn Collection? Let us know in the comment section below…


21 Responses to Start Collecting Acorns September!

  1. SamDean says:

    I don’t seem to be receiving my daily deluxe 2 free acorns. Anyone else?

    • BH1464 says:

      I only received my 2 free acorns for being Deluxe the first day I started my collection. I have not received any free acorns since then which is very frustrating as we pay extra to get the Deluxe perks and by not receiving any free acorns it actually takes Deluxe players longer to collect all 50 needed to complete the collections than it does for the free players to do so. This has been happening with the collection events for a very long time. It doesn’t matter if the first thing I do after loggin in is go directly to the collection or when ever I go to the collection during my playing. NO FREE Acorns or other items for other collections. Deluxe players have been very patiently waiting for this to be fixed. The time to fix it is NOW. Before this collection event is over. Please and thank you.

    • Strawberrykinz72 says:

      I haven’t either. My friends have sent me the limit and my total is not what it should be.

  2. misolz says:

    is anyone else having issues collecting acorns? when i click on my collection it doesn’t award me the free acorn, then it only lets friends send me 4 instead of 5 even though the wkn acorn says “If you already received 5 acorns from friends today, you will not receive another.” so why is only letting me get 5 total when i should be getting 6 or 7 a day?

  3. improchoice says:

    if anyone wants to help each other collect acorns my username is afrosoul <3

    • ouson5 says:

      I’d love the help! My username is ouson5 :)

    • BH1464 says:

      I was not able to add your user name to my friends list. Something about that user name not being able to be listed. Have you been receiving any friend requests since posting this? Has Ganz reached out to you asking you to chose another user name? I know that I was not allowed to use my last name in my username because of the 2 words that together make up my last name. It was the same as a very famous author and movie maker named Alfred who had a thing about birds.

      • BH1464 says:

        The message about not being able to add your user name was in reply to improchoice. I’ve tried to send you a friend request several times and I keep getting a message that “improchoice” is not an accepted user name.

  4. granma4 says:

    I love everything about this event. The pieces will look great in some of the small rooms I have. They also will look nice mixed with other rooms. Thanks for the beautiful new furniture pieces :)

  5. Grandma52 says:

    I don’t know where to post this, but I need help. I am trying to complete The Magician’s Assistant challenge in Adventure Park. I am stuck on the last task. I am supposed to give posters to each of the Kinz. BUT…when I go to Sparky, he just glows and the glow pulsates. I can not give him a poster. I have tried logging out and trying again, & I even tried today a whole new day. Still no results. Can anyone help me, please?

  6. Nickelcat says:

    Will the grand prize be tradeable on Next? With the last collection event, all the prizes except the grand prize were tradeable on Next, which was quite disappointing.

  7. emu0tori says:

    Love it! I haven’t looked at my account yet (which is on moblie webkinz) So i am afraid that it wont show up on moblie :(

  8. hannah5banana says:

    I love this years collection and plan to repeat this event as often as I can in the month. Usually I like a set that all matches but what I like about this years event is that I can use the separate pieces in a lot of my different pets rooms. Grat designs Ganz :)

  9. alexripley says:

    Anyone can add me, I am on every day and will always send you acorns <3

  10. SugarP says:

    If I switch to an internet tab for even 2 minutes, when I get back to Webkinz Next, it says the connection is lost and I get logged out. Does anyone know how to prevent this from happening? It makes multitasking virtually impossible with Next. It would especially be nice if I could do something else while waiting for Next to load but the loading often stops if I switch to an internet tab while it’s loading.

    • BH1464 says:

      I also have tried to switch to another tab, even for a few seconds to check a new message in FB Messenger and I’ve been kicked out of Next almost immediately. I’ve found that if I’ve actually been able to get the log in screen to load and log in to my Next account I have to already have closed almost everything else on my system and can not even attempt to look at any other function on my computer or Next kicks me out of the game. I’m assuming this is because of what I’ve been told advising that Next is an internet hog and demands all of your system’s capacity. I know this doesn’t help your issue, but at least you know others have discovered the same issue on their accounts.

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