Start Collecting Flowers!


Every time you unlock a Flower Collection prize on Webkinz Classic, it will be sent to your linked Webkinz Next account the next day


Here’s how it works: From May 1 – 31, look for the Flower Collection icon on your Kinzville Map on Webkinz Classic, and click on it to see your collection:



You’ll get one free Flower every day, just for clicking on the collection icon (Deluxe Members will get two free Flowers a day).



Once you have received your free Flower, you can get five more throughout the day by asking your friends (by clicking the ASK FRIENDS button) or by finding and clicking on the floating Flower on (make sure you collect your free one first before trying to find one on Webkinz Newz).


Need more friends to help you complete your collection? Click the ASK FRIENDS button, then click the NEED MORE FRIENDS? button to see other players looking for friends and add them to your Friends List.


Here’s a closer look at each prize and how many Flowers you’ll need to collect to win each one:



ATTENTION WEBKINZ NEXT PLAYERS: Do you have a Webkinz Next account that is linked to your Webkinz Classic account? This year’s Flower Collection event is extra special, because as you reach each prize milestone, your prize will be automatically unlocked on Webkinz Classic AND sent directly to your linked Webkinz Next account the very next day!



CLICK HERE to learn how to link your Webkinz Classic account to a Webkinz Next account.





    • You must have a Webkinz Next account that is linked to your Webkinz Classic account to send Flower Collection prizes to Webkinz Next.


    • Your Flower Collection prize will be automatically added to your Webkinz Next Dock the day after you unlock it on Webkinz Classic. You will not be sent a notification that the prize has been added to your account.



How many Flowers have you collected so far? Let us know in the comment section below…


21 Responses to Start Collecting Flowers!

  1. grandmaback says:

    Thank you so much for this twist of sending prizes to our connected account. I am still wishing for an early update on Jumbleberry prizes. I have lots of full jars!!! A recent suggestion to make the hair salon a daily on Next and have it award random hair decorations or collect pieces to create a hat,bow etc. would be very fun. PS Thanks for the Birthday hair bow. It’s cute!!

  2. rsprang says:

    love love love this theme.

  3. MamaBearoftriplets says:

    These prizes are absolutely beautiful!! I’m so excited to create a room with them. Thank you so much, Ganz Team!

  4. matilda13 says:

    So if we’re all deluxe members and receive 2 free flowers a day plus the 5 we collect from friends each day, why are all my collections only at 12 flowers for the 2 days I’ve collected? Are we not getting the bonus flower from being Deluxe cause we’re supposed to be getting them every day during free preview.

  5. webkinzlover506 says:

    Welp it’s the “Very Next Day” And I have Not Gotten my side table on webkinz next. :-P

  6. webchimp says:

    If I do get multiple prizes, would they also transfer over to Next? Or is it just the initial five prizes?

  7. Track914 says:

    Can you get multiple prizes or is it just one and done?

    • sally says:

      You can start again once you complete it. A Deluxe player could theoretically get 7 x 31, which is 217 and enough to get all of the prizes 4 times

  8. Amygirl113 says:

    Not the right place to put this as it is regards to the challenges that started today. I tried to skip the WackyER game with my kinzcash as I don’t have time this time to do that – Anyway, instead of showing skipped like always and deducting the $2000 from my cash, it brings up a screen showing estore money deals you can buy over there. I tried it just to see on the other two games and did same with those. Please fix. Thanks.

    • sally says:

      Challenges can’t be skipped with KinzCash, only eStore points.

      • Amygirl113 says:

        I mean that, Sally AND AND I messed up – please disregard my message. I have several accts. and inadvertently tried one with no estore points – sorry for the confusion. Old lady and too early in the morning. LOL Just tried it on my main acct that I do have estore points on and worked just fine. sorry.

  9. 7debbie7 says:

    Lovely Prizes…Thanks Ganz!

  10. buski11 says:

    Love this

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