44 Responses to Start Collecting Valentines!

  1. st9i0e says:

    Where is the floating Valentine? Has anyone seen any floating on the Newz?

  2. alucard says:

    I’ve seen no floating Valentine’s, but there is a problem with the floating tea cups in the Webkinz game! It took over 30 mins for me to get TWO of the Tea Set items. TWO!!!! WHY?? Why does it take so long for the Floating Tea Cup to go across the page? I don’t have the time to set for 30 min or more on each of my accounts! It should not take more than 30 min for ALL of the Tea Cups to Float over the screen! I moved to different rooms. I played a couple of games. I had my pet walk around and be still, in a room. Nothing….other than the two Tea Cups that finally floated by! It’s issues like this that take all the fun out of a cute game like the Floating Tea Cups! Please fix this! :-/

  3. bobaloo08 says:

    Anyone able to get a floating Valentine yet?

  4. Woof02120 says:

    Does anybody have an extra of the Zangoz Cave that was last month’s Deluxe challenge prize?

  5. creek4kids says:

    omg soooooo cute!!! thank you as always ganz.

  6. mfaull says:

    Off topic. My pet keeps asking me to answer questions at Quizzy’s Learn and Play. Apparently I have answered them all, so I am not able to honor this request. I did contace support about it, but really did not get a helpful answer. If you have answered all of the questions are you done?

  7. DJ747 says:

    The floating Valentine is not yet working.

  8. lyn301 says:

    I’m not seeing any floating Valentines this morning

  9. granma4 says:

    It’s going to be fun to make a new room with this cute Valentine’s furniture.

  10. cr2w says:

    Will there be a Valentine floating in NEWZ?

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