Strawberry Cow

Strawberry Cow

517 Responses to Strawberry Cow

  1. Kathleen-Amanda says:

    That strawberry cow is so cute. I should take that for my 50 or 60 webkinz collections.( Warning: I am not trying to make U people jelous.) And to, I’ve payed with my own money for 40 or 50 webkinz. but now, my webkinz is all gone. That’s alot for 50 or 60 webkinz, right? And ift U want to be my friend, i’ve got two accout. So my first accout is timhorton8 and my second is maggieswing.

  2. sari says:

    she is so pretty

  3. groomio2408 says:

    I sooooooooooooooooo want her!!! I love cows and strawberries so that’s amazing for me!!

  4. carlyb says:

    i love it im going to get sometime soon!!

  5. Soda2512 says:

    really really really really CUTE!

  6. Molly&Misha says:

    i got her
    i named her molly
    she got a sister; signature limited edition golden retriever
    my user is MarCaramelizat

  7. 8566088 says:

    the cow looks so cool


    Awesome cow! Cow + Pink= The Best!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. crazybrute says:

    mwf2&halo reach is awesome!!!! no 1 likes black ops not even me

  10. crazybrute says:

    halo reach&mwf2 is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
    no 1 likes black ops any more not even me

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