Such a Beautiful Theme!

Big news from the W Shop – the rest of the Bloomin’ room theme has arrived and it’s absolutely gorgeous! Check out the fabulous and flowery bed, the pretty chair, the stylish carpet, and a whole lot more. If your Bloomin’ room isn’t quite done yet, never fear; the rest of the theme is here!

32 Responses to Such a Beautiful Theme!

  1. I'm awesome says:

    IT SO PRETTY!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Webkinz lover101 says:

    I love this theme! so beautiful! but why is the room divider only one thing ? rip off you have to buy three of them to get one that looks like the won in the picture lame =(

  3. LemonadeGal says:

    OMG i love judy moody! Yay i love free stuff!

  4. Heatherstem_A_Cat says:

    OMZ I had no idea about the Judy Moody thing! Thanx so much – free stuff rocks!


  5. WebkinzGuru says:

    Awesome theme! Love it ;)

  6. Grams says:

    This is our very FAVORITE theme. It goes with many things inside and outside, and with several other themes. Even the new dresser from the Judy Moody promotion goes perfectly! Thanks so so much, Ganz.

    • Poodle Girl says:

      You’re getting the Judy Moody promotion already?! I haven’t seen any of it yet, besides WKN telling us something BIG is coming to Webkinz World this summer…. Is it a commercial with the video challenge at the end? Or is it a game, like the Snow White and the Seven Dwarves promotion?

      • 2WebbiesMomz says:

        The Judy Moody room is in the Clubhouse. Both the movie and the cat statue give out prizes!

        • Poodle Girl says:

          Awesome! I can’t believe they didn’t have this in the Kinzville Times or WKN! Thanks a bunch for telling me, though. I’ll have to go there now….

          • Izzyblue says:

            There are more than one video, I watched them all and didn’t see any prizes to win. Did I do something wrong? Thanks for letting us know!

  7. horsie says:

    Yah it really is a great theme! For all you designers out theere the egg sofa you got on Easter also looks lovely in that room, or the roses on Valentine’s Day, or Petunia’s Petunias. :)

  8. megamom says:

    It is the prettiest theme!

  9. loue354 says:


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