Summer Clothing Line Fashion!

The 2015 Summer Clothing Line has arrived at the KinzStyle Outlet! Looking for some fashion inspiration? We spotted these trendy pets out and about in Webkinz World sporting some great looks! The bolded items are from this year’s line.


Hector is loving his Dotted Snapback Hat, Boys Summer Polo Shirt, Join the Adventure Shorts and Splashy Shoes!



Sami is ready for the beach in her Tutu Bathing Suit and Light Summer Shoes!



Even Grumpy can’t complain about her Ocean Blue Skirt, Relaxed Sandals and Magic Charm Forest Bad Fairy T-shirt (Nafaria’s her favorite).



And finally, Jordan adores stepping out in her Denim Dream Dress, Ruffled Sequin Sandals, and Fine Feathered Fashion Hat.



Here’s the entire Summer Clothing Line! Have fun shopping!



75 Responses to Summer Clothing Line Fashion!

  1. 6cu says:

    Can someone send me the Denim Dream dress!? I will send you something cool in return! My username is 6cuddles7. Thanks so much!!!!! :):)

  2. girlzluv2play says:

    The watermelon shirt and board shorts are my favorites.

  3. zladdlebug says:

    All of the summer clothes are super cute!

  4. springshamrock7 says:

    I absolutely love the Denim Dream Dress but I am not a deluxe member. If anyone has extras of that I will send a beach sand castle which think may be from the wish factory. I also have a Gladiator helmet and a Halloween building kit if you already have the sand castle. Thanks!

  5. doingmydailies says:

    The Tutu bathing suit is so adorable! The Light Summer Shoes are very pretty. The Ocean Blue Skirt has such a nice dot print. I love these new Summer styles!!!!!

  6. kin2832 says:

    Awesome clothes!!!:)

  7. CatHeart says:

    I got 7 Webkinz yesterday! I need names for them. Here they are with their genders: Bull Dog Kinz Klip (Boy) Lava Dragon (Boy) Cocoa Dinasour (I don’t know what gender yet) Night Mare (Girl) Spotty Dinasour (Girl) Lil’ Kinz Tree Frog (Boy) Husky (Girl) I’m also not trying to brag or show off by saying that I got 7 Webkinz. Can you guys give me names for the Webkinz that I got? Thanks! :)

  8. NerdKitty567 says:

    If anyone has an extra one of those denim dresses please consider sending one to me. My username is NerdKitty567. I will be so grateful!

  9. Charlestonian says:

    Really unhappy that we can no longer use coupons at the outlet, especially since the prices seem to be going up.

  10. bear10201 says:

    I don’t do clothes at all. Probably good now since we have to use all our kinzcash to feed our pets who always seem to be hungry. I fed my pet a few shy of 100 and watched it drop down to nuttin in seconds

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