Summer Clothing Line Retires January 14

The 2024 Summer Clothing line will be leaving with maintenance on Wednesday, January 14.


Which of the summer clothing item is your favorite? Tell us in the comments below!

17 Responses to Summer Clothing Line Retires January 14

  1. caseyspacey says:

    Even though the Summer Clothing Recipes have been solved, i forgot about that and i did get the Summery Red Dress recipe solved without looking at the clothing guide, which was special because i never solved one before. The other one however i was one clothing off before looking at the guide. I’m still stoked for solving one.

  2. strawberrycream12 says:

    The daisy crown and the summery red dress are my faves!

  3. noonesfriend says:

    If someone were willing to send me some cactus shorts,and maybe a daisy crown, I would appreciate it and would send you items for money in return. Thx in advance. UN same as here.

    • alucard says:

      Hi, noonesfriend! This is farout1! I just sent you two shorts and one Daisy crown. I have another pair of shorts and two crowns waiting for you, if you want them. Just let me know here if you want them. I will have to send them to you on the 26th, if that’s okay. Merry Christmas! :-)

      • noonesfriend says:

        Hi ! SO GLAD to hear from you. :) I have been trying to remember what your UN is and now I shall remember ! YAY It should not surprise me _ all those absolutely AMAZING gifts you have sent me. I am not deluxe; have no way to buy e-store points and I never can figure out what to send you. Shall I start sending you all my dock junk (!) ( lol ) to sell off ?! I’m not kidding ! I have not been back on noonesfriend, yet, but THANK YOU. You are so generous to me. The last gift, of the nutcracker items, ( wind ) blew me away ! I was gleefully stupefied ! I can’t thank you enough. Incorporated them into another M.M.C. room. So beautiful. I feel more than a little greedy, saying yes to your offer of MORE shorts n crowns, but please ?! and thak you again ! I am having problems with the router for computer, so I may miss the next week til a new one arrives. :-( Missed all day today; just got it to work but that’s with fingers crossed. I wish you all good for your holidays. Be safe; I know you are traveling. Ganz, may I send this wonderful WW friend hugs ? Well, consider it done !

      • alucard says:

        @noonesfriend – You are so welcome! I’m so glad I was able to help you! I have been gone for a couple of days, but will go and buy some more shorts and crowns for you. Wish I could send you more than 3 a day, I will get them to you. I don’t get on the Forum very often, so it’s kind of hard to keep up conversations. But, if you should be looking for anything Deluxe that I am able to send by KinzPost, I would love to do that for you. I will check the Trading Forum. There are so many messages there, but I will find you! :-) I am so blessed to be able to play on Webkinz and be a Deluxe Member, that I enjoy sharing the blessing when I can. I would love to see your MMC room with the Nutcracker items! Send it in to Michael and maybe he will post it in one of the Room Design Pages. :-) Hope your computer is up and running soon! Have a wonderful New Year’s and a great beginning for 2025! Got your sweet hugs and sending some to you, too! It’s friends like you that make playing on Webkinz so very special! Take Care, my Webkinz Friend! :-)

        • noonesfriend says:

          @alucard I hope you see this. I am just crying. Such a wonderful holiday message to find. I am sort of elderly; was an only child; and everyone is passed, or gone, or estranged. Just me, now and webkinz. You do NOT need to send me ANY thing more, my friend. I totally forgot about the deluxe preview, so I am going broke for sure ! lol Got a new router/modem but the problem is mostly on providers end and is ongoing. 0v0 Thx for asking. Too much to write, and I need a tissue !! Hugs back always.

    • alucard says:

      @noonesfriend- No worries, my Webkinz Friend! I will send you as many of the items as I can. Once the Deluxe Preview is over, I will send you any Deluxe items I can as a surprise. If you already have the item, or do not wish to keep it, feel free to pass on the items to another Webkinz Friend. You will never know when I will surprise you! My dear, I am in my 70s, so trust me that I know how you feel. It’s nice to have Webkinz Friends, and not really know who they are. It’s like having an over seas Pen Pal. I had a Pen Pal from England when I was in Grade School. We wrote each other for about a year. It was a fun thing to do. I still have the letters from my Pen Pal. :-) Wishing you a wonderful and Blessed New Year! May 2025 bring you much joy and Blessings! – Your Webkinz Friend, farout1! :-)

  4. nanamama12 says:

    Does anyone have this season’s pattern recipes? I’m missing last season’s as it is.

    • puppyluv9063 says:

      I usually use google, and there are some nice resources and guides for Webkinz recipes that people have solved!

    • kalcan8 says:

      Hi nanamama12! I don’t think I’ve looked these up yet. I will have to get on that. WKN doesn’t let us share the recipes. You can use a search engine for Webkinz solved clothing recipes, and usually find out the needed items. When I get the opportunity, I will look up the recipes and send care packages, if you would like.

  5. pittiesrule says:

    I LOVE the Swimming Goggles, Wetsuit, Flippers, Overall Shorts, Baseball Cap, Daisy Crown, Summery Shoes, Summery Red Dress & Hawaiian Shirt & will miss them.

  6. FoxesRule612 says:

    Oh my gosh I NEED that Hawaiian shirt!! Maybe a couple of em LOL

  7. granma4 says:

    Loved the daisy cloths.

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