Super Sneak Peek: Guess Another June Pet!


Can you guess this noble pet?



Come back on June 3 to learn who it is!

161 Responses to Super Sneak Peek: Guess Another June Pet!

  1. glitteringduck says:

    Some kind of wolf maybe?

  2. hln2004 says:

    It is a wolf or husky dog…..A dog?

  3. bear10201 says:

    It’s a deer

  4. sophiesophie890 says:

    OMG i think this is a Axolotl !!! I requested webkinz to make an axolotl ! #WebkinzShouldMakeAAxolotlPlushAndCode

    • _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

      No offense, but those are really creepy and weird looking.. =P I don’t think this is one anyway, though. It is probably a seal or horse.. It is hard to tell but mostly looks like a seal to me.

  5. zootzoot says:

    horses are often referred to as a noble stead.

  6. basketballer says:

    A dolphin! =)

  7. kuromi says:

    some type of dog

  8. fluff54 says:

    Totally a Chipmunk! I can see how around it’s eyes it has like a little mask thingie not that noticeable but you can see it! So I think it’s a chipmunk!

  9. beaubo says:

    a camel or maybe some type of bird?

  10. DoodleGirl09 says:


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