Super Sneak Peek: Guess Another June Pet!


Can you guess this noble pet?



Come back on June 3 to learn who it is!

161 Responses to Super Sneak Peek: Guess Another June Pet!

  1. alice184 says:

    noble could suggest the king of the beasts, a lion, but it sure does not look like it could be that…

  2. purpleminion15 says:

    Idk, but it better not be a dog! Please no more dogs or puppies! I want more horses, pandas, cats, and owls! Or just something really different!

  3. NerdKitty567 says:

    PLEASE SAY THIS IS ANOTHER HORSE!!!!! I absolutely love Webkinz horses!

  4. yamzratnog says:

    a walrus?

  5. webkinzfan13 says:

    I think it is either a chipmunk or a camel of some sort.

  6. loolik6 says:

    Looks like ag gray pelican

  7. Cherrycheesecake says:

    It looks like a bulldog, but I hope not! I’d love for it to be something other than a dog.

  8. eyestone123 says:

    I’m guessing either a hippo, goat, or camel.

  9. Borntoplay says:

    Could this be the blond honey badger Fracktail has waited ever so long for?

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