Super Sneak Peek: Guess the June Pet!


Can you guess who this fluffy new friend may be?



Come back on June 2 to discover what it is!



198 Responses to Super Sneak Peek: Guess the June Pet!

  1. lilypugrulestoo says:

    how about a polar bear?….

  2. bear10201 says:

    It’s a puppy??

  3. missdat says:

    an akieta puppy, maybe

  4. chattyb says:

    Oh, gosh! I thought that I was the first comment…… Anyhow. We have already gotten a bichon frise, a porcupine, a puppy…………. Maybe a wolf? Hmm I wonder….

  5. fuzzelmo says:

    i’m thinking maybe a fluffy polar bear

  6. kingdomheartsnerd says:

    Maybe a new Samoyed? Very cute looking:) and maybe for the future you guys could make a yin yang dog or cat? I think a half and half colored pet would be awesome! And a little spot on each side to match the yin yang symbol :)

  7. JoyfulLark says:

    It looks like a dog, maybe a West Highland Terrier or Maltese.

  8. cvasko says:

    a white bear

  9. MooMandy05 says:

    Hmm, let’s see, the nose, the tail, the mouth, the legs?!

  10. DoodleGirl09 says:

    CHICKEN NUGGETS! (sorry i just had to say that from last time XD)

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