Super Sneak Peek: Guess the June Pet!


Can you guess who this fluffy new friend may be?



Come back on June 2 to discover what it is!



198 Responses to Super Sneak Peek: Guess the June Pet!

  1. FoxesRule612 says:

    I really want it to be an arctic wolf, but it probably isn’t. I’m rather disappointed that Webkinz only makes domestic dogs.

  2. rocohoneypie says:

    OMG!! june 2 is the day before my birthday!! and i looks so cute!!!!! i hope it’s a bear because they some more of em. AHH!! it looks so fluffy!!! XD CAN”T WAIT!!!!

  3. Pablosfriend says:

    I believe it is the Artic Fox for a few reasons. I first thought it was a dog because of the muzzle shape, however I looked around for pets that look similar and couldn’t find any. I searched through the cat pets because the cats tend to have a lot of fur around their eyes (like this mystery pet), but not that type and color muzzle. Everyone was debating it to be either a cat or a dog, those two animal’s characteristics together give you a fox figure. I pulled up the picture of the Artic Fox, and most of the features in the picture match the Artic Fox.

  4. BH1464 says:

    I have to pretty much agree with your opinion on these sneak peeks. They really don’t give any helpful information so one could make an educated guess.

  5. legodude says:

    A fluffy cuddle pet :) Looks like my white cat but there is already one of those

  6. NaneyG says:

    def artic related. gotta be a fox, a wolf or a dog. leaning towards fox. dunno why. lol

  7. lilbibleman says:

    Looks like it.

  8. jenvic says:

    please ganz no more dogs we’ve got enough but i would like some more lions, tigers and bears oh my i’d settle for cats, rabbits, pigs, cows, horses or birds

  9. celestya22 says:

    I’m guessing a polar bear!

  10. Lydia19of13 says:

    I think maybe a mixed Golden Retriever ;) that would be cute!

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