Super Sneak Peek: Guess the June Pet!


Can you guess who this fluffy new friend may be?



Come back on June 2 to discover what it is!



198 Responses to Super Sneak Peek: Guess the June Pet!

  1. jet1000 says:

    I’m going to guess the arctic fox. Normal or signature.

  2. lpslover86 says:

    mabey a white greman sheperd or a small puppy

  3. Cherrycheesecake says:

    I hope it’s not another dog. I swear they always are putting new dogs out and never any exotic animals! I really would love to see some animals we haven’t had before.

    • mall117 says:

      I absolutely LOOOOOVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEE dogs but i guess you are kind of right they should make more exotic pets. Good point! :)

    • CatHeart says:

      I really like the dogs and puppy’s, but I have too agree. I really want a sibearn husky. I would be cool to compare it too the signature one.

    • Fracktail says:

      From what I can see, it looks like the two monthly Webkinz always include one dog and one other animal; that way, they can cater to both people who like the tried-and-true canines and the people who want more variety. Although I do agree that there’s been a bit too many dogs for my liking lately, but that’s how they make money, so if it keeps the site running then I’m happy.

  4. Lovemybunney says:

    I think its some fluffy dog

  5. Lucillegould5 says:

    Billy goat.

  6. morggymoo says:

    I was thinking it is going to be s signiture dog or maybe a mix breed? I don’t know, please tell us ganz!

  7. 1954tiny0112 says:

    OK THIS is the NEW MALTESE PUPPY !!! EVEN the MOUTH matches ;)

  8. sweetflower56 says:

    Arctic fox maybe? that would be awesome!

  9. robinroyal says:

    I agree it looks canine. Maybe it’s an arctic wolf. They haven’t had a new wolf in a while, and the signature timber wolf was just voted best Webkinz ever. Now would be a great time for a new wolf.

  10. FoxesRule612 says:

    Or a cute lil foxie! <3

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