Super Sneak Peek: NEW April Pet!


Who’s this vibrant pet, coming soon to Webkinz World?



Stay tuned to Webkinz Newz for the big reveal!


194 Responses to Super Sneak Peek: NEW April Pet!

  1. Fam729 says:

    magic w PUP!

  2. spottyfroggy67 says:

    Maybe it is a pet for their 10th anniversary! Maybe it has W’s on it??? I’ SO EXCITED !!!

  3. ambermc82 says:

    its a 10 years of webkinz puppy

  4. AvzoraGW says:

    well, um, now that we’ve seen the actual pet . . . um, i have to say only one of the photos above looks anything like it might be a photo of the actual pet. i think it would be more fun if the photos weren’t quite so misleading. :S

  5. Smile896 says:

    It’s a Magic W Pup!

  6. iloveJesus222 says:

    ya, like hiworld said, its a ten year puppy, I looked it up on ebay, the other one is a plum hedgehog. don’t believe me? go on ebay and look up webkinz pre sales. harbor breeze always has pre sales

  7. iloveJesus222 says:

    I kinda hope its not a cat, cats are like my fave animals ever! and the color choice looks really bad. rainbow and blue… no way! and its not the contest winner. ganz clearly stated a couple times, they would not make the plush. it looks like an owl sorta

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