Super Sneak Peek: NEW April Pet!


Who’s this vibrant pet, coming soon to Webkinz World?



Stay tuned to Webkinz Newz for the big reveal!


194 Responses to Super Sneak Peek: NEW April Pet!

  1. webkinzrose says:


  2. wilkens5 says:

    I think it might be a bird because of the bright colors. Or maybe it’s a bunny because Easter’s coming around the corner.

  3. webkinzrose says:

    looks cool

  4. Wycklyn says:

    a tropical bird, like a parrot or something? but i hope StarWarsLuv is right and it’s a cat . . . :D happy spring! love to all!

  5. avengerpanda says:


  6. Lovemychipmunk says:

    I think it’s a parot

  7. TaffyKitty12 says:

    Cute pet, but I have absolutely no idea what this is. Well, I can’t wait to see this come out in May (wait, is this really supposed to be the April pet, because no April pets came out so far, and I’d think you’d need a pet in April before you make a pet in May)

  8. lol12345 says:

    Shouldnt it be April not May. Btw sorry for the bad grammar but the keyboard is stuck on French so instead of a question mark it does É and instead of an apostrophe it does è.

  9. kittygirls13 says:

    A dolphin? :-/

  10. StarWarsLuv says:

    I hope it’s a cat!

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