Super Sneak Peek: NEW March Pet!

Can you guess what this colorful pet might be?


It will be revealed on Webkinz Newz on March 2, so stay tuned!


159 Responses to Super Sneak Peek: NEW March Pet!

  1. mytalya2002 says:

    It’s a cat

  2. TigerKingWebkinz says:

    pretty n’ pink cat! Or another type of cat. A pink cheeky kitten?

  3. cathouse2 says:

    That looks like cheeky pet fur…

  4. mall117 says:

    a bunny cause of the ears??

  5. mall117 says:

    or something like the summer beaver?

  6. 1a2s3d4 says:

    Pig? Bird? Dog? Even a Kangaroo?

  7. 4ulittleone2 says:

    I bet it will be a cute little pink piggie… And on the design a webkinz contest, please make a plush version. I want one so so so bad… I’d buy more than one. I love it.. Great job by everyone but the Decade Dragon is Awesome!!

  8. Lovemychipmunk says:

    Its not a hamster for peask saek people its not that .

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