Sweet Chocolate Eggs!

Every pet in Webkinz World LOVES chocolate eggs – and what’s not to love? They’re chocolate-y, they’re sweet…and did we mention they’re chocolate-y?
From April 18-24, you’ll want to visit Webkinz World and Webkinz Newz for some tasty eggs – and the eStore for your chance to purchase more!
In Webkinz World you’ll be able to get one milk chocolate egg each day that you log in. You’ll get a chance to win extras at Today’s Activities.
In Webkinz Newz, you’ll get to hunt for a white chocolate egg each day.
Why are eggs so important? Because! Each time you feed one to your pet, you’ll have a chance to win an amazing Spring Celebration prize. There are a TON of great prizes to be won, so be sure to get as many eggs as you can – your pet will thank you!

629 Responses to Sweet Chocolate Eggs!

  1. webkinz user says:

    Hello everyone,
    I have been a member of Webkinz for over two months now. I own 15 webkinz, two mazin hampsters, 3 clips, and bought four charms from the e store. I have sent out friend requests in the park, but have only had one person send me a FR. I would really like to have some friends. I like to share and send things to people and make friends. If you could see me in the park and send a FR I would really appreciate it and you will enjoy the nice things that I will send to you. Some of my pets are a poddle in the red riding hood suit names Princess (mom named it!(), I have a beaver named Bella, A hampster named Carottinea, and Lilly, I have a bunny (the one free from E>B> and mom again named him cutie pie, I would love some new friends.
    I may be wrong but can you have friends come to your home?? I have like 16 rooms decorated real cool and would love to show it to some friends. Thanks and I hope to gain some new friends. I will be in the park with my poodle Princess today at 5 and all week at 10:30, hope to see you there and become friends. My username is vincy06.

  2. cazzzie says:

    it is very cool

  3. sofiya says:

    DEAR webkinz fans; I was wishing to get a white choclate egg but i never did! waaa waaa waaa

  4. Mya says:

    OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EASTER EGGS ARE TOTALY COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WIN EVERY TIME ….. but …….good luck to try and win a prize!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY EASTER EVERBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  5. no519 says:

    Only 5 more prizes!

  6. jacki1230 says:

    omgi got like almost EVERYTHING

  7. Webkinz User says:

    i can not catch one! it is hard

  8. sarah says:


  9. KaitlinM says:

    I Love These Chocolate Eggs!

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