Sweet Orchard Cider: Secret Recipe Revealed!


When you’re looking for a refreshing fall drink for your pet, this simple Sweet Orchard Cider will be a revelation with every sensational sip!


But something this special can’t be made simply by combining common ingredients found in the WShop. This secret blender recipe requires 3 ingredients grown from 3 different gardening seeds awarded through previous Fall Fest Soda prizes, including the Candy Apple Seeds, the Golden Delicious Apple Seeds, and the Red Delicious Apple Tree Seeds! If you don’t own any of these Growing Garden seeds, you can always try trading for the ingredients in the Trading Room of the Webkinz Classic Clubhouse (available only on the desktop app).


Once you have all 3 ingredients, combine them together in any blender to create this awesome apple cider!




Want to know about MORE Webkinz Secret Recipes? Check out our Secret Recipe archive here!


Have you discovered the stove recipes in Webkinz Next yet? They’re fun and easy to make!


Just click on a stove once you’ve added it to your room and it will show you a list of recipe foods. You can select any of these recipe foods to learn which ingredients are required.



Unlike Classic, some recipes may require multiples of a single ingredient.



Once you’ve added your ingredients, click the “Cook” button to make your recipe food.



It’s that easy! There’s lots of recipes to make, and even more recipes you can unlock! If you enjoy cooking and crafting, then you’ll love Webkinz Next!


What are some of YOUR favorite secret recipe foods? Let us know in the comments below!




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17 Responses to Sweet Orchard Cider: Secret Recipe Revealed!

  1. Zooooooz says:

    I sent these three apples to random friends, enjoy!

  2. sunflowers2024 says:

    YUM, thanks.

  3. clearcreek6 says:

    I only have the red delicious apple. If someone has any extras of the golden delicious and candied apples and would be willing to trade I would greatly appreciate it :)

  4. ouson5 says:

    I have several of the Red Delicious Apples, but none of the Golden Delicious Apples or Candied Apples :)

  5. turkeysareawesome says:

    Im pretty sure this is a new recipe, but for all those people who thinks it is in the cookbook, its not, thats the farm fresh orchard jelly it is pretty much the same however. i hope this helped! :3

  6. lassok9 says:

    This recipe is already available in a cookbook, isn’t it?

  7. raggedyann1968 says:

    Why did I think this was already revealed? I love it, but I somehow thought we already had this recipe?

  8. DJ747 says:

    This recipe is in the Farm Fresh Cookbook, so it’s not a secret.

  9. FoxesRule612 says:

    Ooh I have all of these except for the golden delicious apples!

    • Strawberrykinz72 says:

      Hi FoxesRule612, I’m pretty sure I have the Golden Delicious Apple Tree. If you send a friend request to me, I will send you some apples. I’m MrsKWA. :-)

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