Haunted Castle Concept Drawings!



Hey guys… Michael Webkinz here, reporting for Webkinz Newz. I am excited to show you the concept drawings for the first half of the Haunted Castle theme! Our new Halloween room theme will be available at the W-Shop (for KinzCash), starting October 1st.


Here’s a look at the original concept drawing players could vote for when we first announced that we would be releasing a new Halloween theme. The idea here would be that you would be able to see glowing red eyes through the helmet:



Here’s a look at the dining room table that would be included in this theme. What makes this item spooky is the fact that you never know when the candles will mysteriously blow out, seemly on their own:



Here’s a look at the dining chair that matches the table. I really like the fact that cobwebs have been added to each item:



Next up is the Haunted Castle column. This one will look very similar to the original Medieval Column however, it will appear cracked and crumbled in places:



I really like the concept drawing for the Haunted Castle flooring. The stone acts as a perfect boarder for the worn out floorboards:



Finally, here’s a look at a spooky cellar. This item will be able to be placed indoors or out and features a (hopefully) friendly little ghost who can be seen inside:



If you have any feedback or name suggestions for any of these items, please feel free to leave your ideas in the comment section below.


Looking forward to seeing the rest of this theme? I’ll be posting the 2nd half on Saturday, August 12th.


This has been Michael Webkinz reporting for Webkinz Newz…


88 Responses to Haunted Castle Concept Drawings!

  1. kkofoed says:

    Wow, this is looking super cool! I hope they decide to bring the colors out more, not so washed out like the party room theme :)

  2. tinygma says:

    Table is set for 4 is that how many chairs can be set at the table ? Or can table be turned for 2 place setting at the table .

  3. tinygma says:

    Cellar DWELLER and the Ghost should float from this and the knight ;) !

  4. tinygma says:

    GARGOYLE paper weights are e-store but they look just like lil baby gargoyles . They stand on papers like they are being potty trained ;) !! Write the HOSTS to get the gray bunny and duck BFF plush ;) !

    • tinygma says:

      Gray bunny and Black duck plushy are called BFF BESTIES . Black bear , Nafaria and Alyssa fit in and the boy fairy also ! Goober and a ROCKER reward is a FOG MACHINE that last I knew was working ;) . Alternate chairs like the pumpkin chairs one direction and the next the opposite way for musical chairs :) !

  5. tinygma says:

    Spooky trees with eyes or wallpaper of forest with trees and EYES that GLOW !

  6. 48Becky says:

    I like these! I think this will end up being a really fun room to decorate for Halloween and then leave all year long!

  7. DebbieWebbie59 says:

    I wish they would fix the old haunted theme’s toilet – it has been invisible for a long time.

  8. theoneandonly7 says:

    These all look amazing! Hopefully these items will be available for everyone, and can be bought with Kinzcash? That would be great, and I can’t wait to see what the rest of the items in the theme will look like! Keep up the good work! :D

  9. lemony says:

    Wow! Better than I imagined! Can not wait to see the rest!

  10. beerfeet says:

    Frightening Lightning Windows would look great with long torn curtains and some piece of furniture like the old Gargoyle Bookshelf for costume storage would be great also. I have an entire group of rooms making my castle. I like the idea of a haunted wing on the castle! I like the idea of a spider skirting around the column. Maybe a new haunted painting also? I like the ghost in the cellar…does he float out like the old tombstones? Looking forward to seeing more.

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