The Art Nouveau Theme in Webkinz Next

Have you collected the entire theme?

The Art Nouveau Theme is one of three rare themes in Webkinz Next.
There are 12 items in the entire collection:
Art Nouveau Bed

Art Nouveau Dresser

Are Nouveau Wardrobe

Art Nouveau Crane Art

Art Nouveau Portrait

Art Nouveau Gramophone

Art Nouveau Couch

Art Nouveau Cabinet

Art Nouveau Divider

Art Nouveau Dining Room Table

Art Nouveau Dining Chair

Art Nouveau Side Table

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26 Responses to The Art Nouveau Theme in Webkinz Next

  1. tigeranne815 says:

    make it sendable to classic and I’ll buy it.

  2. nickelcat says:

    I’ve gotten everything but the screen divider! I keep missing it in the Curio Shop.

  3. ghostfan says:

    I love this theme and have managed to collect all the items! I hope in the future a window, wall and rug are released to make the room feel complete. I’m also crossing my fingers for more wallpapers and flooring options in general, and some room themes like sweet 16, sky blue, and toadstool in Next like we have in classic!

  4. dewdropkinz says:

    omg please bring to classic!

  5. happyjig213 says:

    Can we please Please PLEASE have this in Classic!!!

  6. sundropgirl says:

    I WISHHHH this was in Webkinz Classic!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. pittiesrule says:

    I love the theme & would get it if I had a NEXT account. Pittiesrule

  8. claran says:

    Just need the side table and the dividers!

  9. manhattankw says:

    Bring it to classic!

  10. grandmaback says:

    I have been playing “Next” for 2 1/2 years and have multiples of all the rare themes except the ART NOUVEAU SIDE TABLE. I can’t believe I would have missed it as I check regularly. )-:

    • crystalfawns53 says:

      I haven’t been able to get the side table either. I really wish that it would be released in the Curio Shop eventually so we all have the chance to get it.

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