Webkinz – Take a Tour!

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100 Responses to Webkinz – Take a Tour!

  1. summ123 says:


  2. kittykittymeowmeow1 says:

    It used to show that commercial when I was little, thats how im here. XD

  3. kittykittymeowmeow1 says:

    It usedto show that commercial when I was little, thats how im here. XD

  4. Pawpaw2000 says:


  5. kyarapinky says:

    that is a really old commercial

  6. skylar922 says:

    My first pet was Ruby, the cocker spaniel my aunt got me. I am nine now and have a cocker spaniel family of 3. I started Ruby’s account in 2009. Webkinz has changed so much. I remember opening the Kinzstyle bag for the first time and picking a cute butterfly dress. In 2009, I was 7, I think. Im not sure because it would be 2011 now XD

  7. brooksbri2013 says:

    I want a free webkinz with a secret code.

  8. monkeypants14 says:

    Hey GANZ, I think you should add some older children and a couple boys to the commercial because the commercial makes it look like Webkinz is for little girls. But I am a nine-year-old boy, and I own 112, and my firend has webkinz too. I am about to move to Stuggart, Germany and if you agree with me, Missisipi might be a good place to look for those kids.

  9. Sbdboy says:


  10. lovefrogcupcake says:

    I Love webkinz!

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