The Making of the Pelican’s Pet of the Month video







Hi there! It’s me – the Pet of the Month for September, the Pelican. Now y’all might know me for my big ole beak, but did you know that I also love making home movies? That’s why when my best friend, who happens to be a Penguin, suggested competing in the Webkinz World Fishing Derby, I thought it would be a fun event to capture on video.

Now first off, I’m sure y’all are asking, how do a Pelican and a Penguin become best friends? That is a darn good question. We first met when my friend the peacock was throwing a black and white ball. Just about every bird in Kinzville was there, dressed to the nines in their fancy shmancy suits and gowns. The thing is, when the Penguin and I each got our invitations, we didn’t realize we were supposed to dress up. Cause you see, a penguin IS black with some white, and pelicans like me are white with a little bit of black. So the two of us both showed up at the party completely underdressed. Were we ever embarrassed! So we just hunkered down at a table in the corner and hung out together all evening. And ever since that night, the two of us have been the best of friends.






The thing you have to know about us though is – you know how they say opposites attract? Well, I am one pretty laid back dude while my pal the Penguin can be a little – um, how do I say UPTIGHT? So we show up for the fishing derby and my buddy is bound and determined to win this thing. Me? I don’t really care about trophies and prizes one way or the other.







But what my pal didn’t know about me was that when I was younger, I had a very successful career as a professional fish trainer. I made a lot of friends in the fish world back in those days and I thought it would be kind of funny to call on my underwater buds to help me play a trick on my best friend. So now matter how hard he tried, that poor Penguin just wasn’t having any luck.







We had a hoot, but finally I decided that the poor guy had suffered enough. That when we called in the big guns – or should I say ‘big fish’? I knew how badly my Penguin pal wanted to win that trophy. So I guess you could say that my little fishing video had a whale of a finish! (if you’ve seen it you know what I mean!)






I may not have got to take home a trophy like my pal the Penguin, but I’d say that the prize I took home was even sweeter.

I hope you enjoyed my little video of our fishing trip. And if you haven’t had a chance to watch it yet, click here. If you correctly answer the challenge questions at the end, you’ll win a special prize!

60 Responses to The Making of the Pelican’s Pet of the Month video

  1. BYRD24 says:


  2. StarFire says:

    :D I liked the video. I think it’s great.

  3. FlowerSt@r says:

    COOL :D I didn’t like the voice ether, but i just terned the sound off. (; I LOVED the video thoe (: ~FlowerSt@r

  4. wintergirl5 says:

    I like this video.I think it’s the best !

  5. Poalr Berry says:

    That’s cool!
    Ski you later!
    -Polar Berry [{*}] :mrgreen:

  6. the critic says:

    Don’t worry, i’am not a real critic.the people that know me call me that. i do juge things,but not in a bad way. I think that is a very cute video.

  7. surfcb8 says:

    That video IS pretty cute :D

  8. Brooke says:

    My favorite POTM video is definitely the black cats. I love the music!

    • cinpep says:

      I really like that video too! It makes my black cat, Frisky, look really talented…LOL! I really want the dress so she can wear it for Halloween! Too bad it’s eStore. At least we can get the hat part from the video! I will use the hat and make up the rest of the costume from stuff I have already. :)

  9. raindrop642 says:

    great good idea ganz my username is bilby2000

    • irishgirl1111 says:

      I did’t like the video at all!

      • Joanna says:

        Why not? I thought is was funny.

        • irishgirl1111 says:

          I don’t like it becouse of the I don’t like the music and voice.
          Oh! doese any one know that Big Cats like Leopards and Tigers can change their furs paturn depending on their in viorment so someday we might be marvling at striped Leopards and spotted Tigers?
          Fun Fact from irishgirl1111.

          • owl city fan says:

            Big cats changing their fur patterns? That sounds a little absurd. :/ Unless this has been proven, it is unbelievable.

            Anyway, I like how Ganz is making these “The Making of…” articles for the POTM’s. They are really neat. :)

          • Heatherstem says:

            I like her little facts. I enjoy reading them.

          • irishgirl1111 says:

            Why thankyou Heatherstem! And this Fact is scientificly proven so there!

          • Horse Angel119 says:

            Irishgirl111 would you mind telling us what scientific studies were done to prove this? I you can tell us i will believe you.
            ~~~~Horse Angel119~~~~

          • Horse Angel119 says:

            I just reasearched whether or not tigers can change their stripes and found ten trustworthy science websites that said they can’t. The sites said in the past they could but now their genes are to limited and they can’t.
            ~~~~Horse Angel119~~~~

          • irishgirl1111 says:

            Oh! I guess it must only aplie to Leopards now and other speceis now. I’m sorry for my mistake.

          • Horse Angel119 says:

            Its ok! Don’t sweat it! we all make mistakes occasionally! Sorry if i offenned you!
            ~~~~Horse Angel119~~~~

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