The Mango Gecko goes to work for Mr. Moo!


The Mango Gecko has been trying out different jobs around Webkinz. So far it has worked for Wacky handing out Wacky Gumballs in the Park, and waiting tables at Daisy’s Patio on Webkinz Newz! Now Mr. Moo is working on some new milkshake recipes and it needs help so it has enlisted the Mango Gecko!


The Mango Gecko is creating three recipes that can be made in a blender. When you combine three flavours of ice cream that can be collected from Mr. Moo, you will get a presentable milk shake that can be placed in your pet’s room.

The Mango Gecko thinks it has perfected the recipes, but now it needs your help to record the recipes so it won’t forget! It wants to make posters you can put it your pets’ rooms so you always have the recipes handy! This is your chance to earn FREE CODES for the all three shake posters!


Remember – the community codes give out the recipe posters, NOT the shakes. You make the shakes by following the recipes in the posters.


Here is how it works:

  1. Click on the Ice Cream flavors below. When you do, you will find parts of a community code. The parts of the codes are in different colors.
  2. Combine the parts of the code that are the SAME COLOR.
  3. In the Code Shop in Webkinz World, enter the parts of the code in the same order they appear under each Ice Cream flavor.
  4. When you do, you will receive a poster featuring the milkshake recipe that you can always refer to when you’re in the mood to add a shake to your room!


52 Responses to The Mango Gecko goes to work for Mr. Moo!

  1. bkbauer says:

    To make the Sour Pango Milkshake you need: Melty Mango, Sour Shrimp, & Perfect Pear ice cream. To make the Perfect Squacolate Milkshake you need: Spicy Squash, Chili Chocolate, & Perfect Pear ice cream. To make the Spicy Shream Milkshake you need: Spicy Squash, Sour Shrimp, & Candy Cream ice cream. Hope this helps for those who can’t see the posters because they are so tiny.

  2. DayTripper says:

    Oh what a great idea. I need to ask a favor WEBKINZ NEWZ TEAM MEMBERS would it be possible to have Mr. Moo’s ice cream flavors as Floaty Clicky for the WKN I don’t have any. I am fairly new to this I never see him in the park. I hope you will consider this. Thanks

    • flamefox07 says:

      i have din playing webkinz for YEARS now and have a REALLY HARD time at finding Mr. Moo in the Park, and don’t have ANY FLAVORS. and a Webkinz newz floating clicky would Really help. hope you consider it.

  3. frogkissinglady says:

    For us older players (at least for me) the posters are too difficult to read….the wall is slanted either way you place it and the zoom blurs it some. I can’t see which flavors to use for the recipes

  4. babymoose88 says:

    This looks like so much fun! Too bad I can never find Mr. Moo. ;-; Any tips on finding Mr. Moo? Thanks, bm88

  5. bocquet says:

    O.K. I can not read the recipe on the poster. When I went to the park 3 different times today No Mr. Moo. Please give us some help on the recipes or tell me how to read them.

    • crystalfawns53 says:

      I had trouble reading the recipes as well, but I managed to figure out how to read them. In each poster, they have a picture of three ice creams on there. Using this article as a reference, match the picture of each ice cream on the poster to the ones on this article. For example, for the perfect squacolate milkshake recipe, the picture of the first ice cream in the poster has very orange ice cream. Since the spicy squash ice cream is the only ice cream that is really orange, the first component of the perfect squacolate recipe is spicy squash ice cream. I hope this helps.

    • bkbauer says:

      I listed the recipes for each milkshake above.

  6. Beckinz8 says:

    Presentable milkshakes!?! Hooray! I love whipping up new recipes in WW. I really appreciate the heads up that Mandy gave us in the last Podkinz, to hang on to our Mr. Moo ice cream because we might be needing it soon for something. I have such a hard time finding Mr. Moo that every ice cream is precious! Do you think that maybe Mr. Moo can hire a staff to work at his ice cream stand so it can be open for more hours per day? I’m sure that there are lots of Kinz looking for work right now, and what a wonderful job to bring smiles to people by selling ice cream!

  7. megamom12 says:

    Oh, my gosh! This is going to be fun!

  8. babytwinkleavfk says:

    Thank you! I really hope that i’m able to catch Mr. Moo at the right time today and get some ice creams! About what times is he in the park at?

  9. mfaull says:

    That was a bit of a challenge, but fun! Thanks!!

  10. TaffyKitty12 says:

    Ooh, awesome! I can’t wait to do this! :D I love both chocolate and orange flavored milkshakes, so imagine my excitement when I saw that I could get both as presentable items for my WW rooms, haha XD

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