The Perfect Gift?

Hi! It’s me, Molly! Have I ever told you I have the best mom ever? She totally gets that sometimes I just need some ‘me time’ when I don’t have to deal with Millie getting into all my stuff and so sometimes we have a Mom & Molly day. We leave Millie at home with my dad and the two of us just go out and do something totally fun, like go to the arcade (my mom is awesome at Cash Cow) or have lunch at Le Snout. Millie hates being left behind but my mom explains to her that they have lots of time alone together when I’m at school.

So with Mother’s Day coming up I want to find my mother the perfect gift! I am trying to narrow it down but it’s so hard. I had three ideas. First, I thought she might like one of the clothing items from the new Spring Line at the KinzStyle Outlet. Or I could get her some new fabric from the W Shop. She loves to sew. Have you seen the Fashion Fabric Rolls from the Creative Studio Theme?  I’ll bet she could make some beautiful dresses. The present that I would most like to give her is a trip to the spa, but I can’t really afford that. I’ve been saving up my KinzCash, but I just don’t think I’ll have enough.

But I really want to show her how much she means to me. Do you have any good suggestions?

42 Responses to The Perfect Gift?

  1. Thepichubros says:

    I always draw my mom a beutiful picture because I am an ARTIST!!!!! ^-^ ;)

  2. Madison says:

    You should TOTALLY give your mom a trip to the spa! If you don’t have enough money you can look around for odd jobs around webkinz world. Offer to do some planting, or mowing a lawn. I bet you can make enough money before mother’s day!!!

  3. amelia says:

    You don’t have to do something really special to show your mom you love her. I suggest you make something yourself . Maybe you could serve her her favorite breakfast in bed; or dress up the kitchen table with a vase of pretty flowers and a nice flowered table mat with all the utensils maybe wrapped in a colorful bracelets with matching napkins and serve breakfast to her there. You could make her a very nice card to. Or you could simply look her in the eye on mother’s day and in your loudest, proudest, voice “i LOVE you MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Hope my ideas help! ~ameliabedelia6 :)

  4. BennyBeagle says:

    I’m getting my mom a picture of the family printed and then framed.

  5. tinygma says:

    I know show Mom how much you watch and learn from her. Make a mini quilt close to the size of a pillow case cover just with her in mind. Later you can make one for Dad they can have a pillow pilced in them for like a throw pillow on the bed or living room :) >^..^<

  6. dune456 says:

    A coupon book filled with love.. Some for a bath, where you watch millie. For extra chores.. My mom loves playing webkinz so I give her a coupon where I’ll buy her any item. (She’s always broke and I save my money, so this is a good one.) Then cause we also share the t.v. I put coupons in that let her choose the show to watch. Just loving things your mom will like. Then decorate the coupons and put them in a coupon book that you can also decorate. Good Luck

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