The Perfect Gift?

Hi! It’s me, Molly! Have I ever told you I have the best mom ever? She totally gets that sometimes I just need some ‘me time’ when I don’t have to deal with Millie getting into all my stuff and so sometimes we have a Mom & Molly day. We leave Millie at home with my dad and the two of us just go out and do something totally fun, like go to the arcade (my mom is awesome at Cash Cow) or have lunch at Le Snout. Millie hates being left behind but my mom explains to her that they have lots of time alone together when I’m at school.

So with Mother’s Day coming up I want to find my mother the perfect gift! I am trying to narrow it down but it’s so hard. I had three ideas. First, I thought she might like one of the clothing items from the new Spring Line at the KinzStyle Outlet. Or I could get her some new fabric from the W Shop. She loves to sew. Have you seen the Fashion Fabric Rolls from the Creative Studio Theme?  I’ll bet she could make some beautiful dresses. The present that I would most like to give her is a trip to the spa, but I can’t really afford that. I’ve been saving up my KinzCash, but I just don’t think I’ll have enough.

But I really want to show her how much she means to me. Do you have any good suggestions?

42 Responses to The Perfect Gift?

  1. sydney says:

    so you should buy your mom the trip yo the spa but you and some friends should go to the arcade until you earn enough money but just tell your mom that after school your going to the movies she wont ever suspect a thing

  2. fudgeyvanilla says:

    you know what, just be yourself, and giv your mom a speach that will make her cry! a good way not a bad way.

  3. lovepuppygirl says:

    I like the idea of getting her something from the spring clothing line.

  4. hime0599 says:

    I care her out to eat and go to mall go many places

  5. Brijaye says:

    You can take make your mother breakfast and take a peice of paper and say i love you thats an easy way .

  6. MDIChickadee says:

    My mom says she has everything she wants and needs, so for Mother’s Day, we save our cash and then make a donation to a charity in her name. We try to find a new one every year, and one that does something to help women and/or children. Then, for Mother’s Day, we give her cards and flowers (Dad helps with the flowers, we make our own cards) and in one of the cards is the information about the gift we made in honor of her. And Dad cooks breakfast and this year I am old enough to do dinner. Mom is not allowed to cook or wash dishes on Mother’s Day. And she gets to pick what we do – we do not get on the computer or hang out with friends – it is Mom and us time (unless she asks for time apart, in which case, that is what she gets – one year she and Dad did something together without us, and one year she went hiking with some other moms, and some times we do things together as a family.) We try to make it focused on her and what she wants. If you cannot afford to send your mom to a spa, could you pamper her at home? You are probably old enough to do her nails for her. And putting cucumbers on your eyes makes them feel good, too, so you could do that for her … Someone else might have better ideas on other spa things you could do. Good luck! All the best! MDIChickadee

  7. sunshineak says:

    Molly make a spa at home…set up the bathroom with bubblebath or aromic oils and scents your mom likes and set up some nice smoothie drink with cheese, fruits, and crackers and then maybe Millie and you can make a nice dinner to show her how much your mom truly means to you along with home-made gifts something that is from the heart means so much …just a thought…hope this helps.

  8. Veronica says:

    One time at Christmas, I got my mom a gift that she really loved. I bought this little “beauty set”, I guess you could call it, that had foot cream, lotion, shower gel, etc. I took a shoebox and painted it green to match the lotion, foot cream, etc., and made a little gift basket sort of thing. She really loved it. I think your mother would like that Molly. But whatever you get her, I would recommend something homemade. Mother’s love that. ;)

  9. rkittle says:

    A great present would be throwing a mothers day party or just spending time with her!

  10. Skiddly says:

    I think something homemade would be best. When it’s homemade, it seems extra special because you worked hard to make it for the person. People appreciate when you put forth the extra effort, like going to all the trouble of making a gift for them even though you could just buy one from the store. Mother’s, I find, especially appreciate that sorta stuff. But whatever you get her, I’m sure that she’ll love it! Good luck Molly!

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