Don’t Miss Out on the Purr-fect Gift for Collectors!

Holiday Kitten

If you know a collector who would love the opportunity to own a very special pet, the Holiday Kitten will make an ideal gift!


The Holiday Kitten will be available for one weekend only – November 23 – 25, 2018!

This adorable pet comes with the stunning Soft Sparkle Wardrobe and a savory Purrfect Pizza!


Plus a Bonus Gift on Christmas Day!

And Holiday Kitten owners who log in on December 25 will also get a bonus gift – an adorable Holiday Kitten Rug! You can find the rug in the ‘Things to Do’ menu under ‘Daily Activities’ on Christmas Day.

holiday kitten


So if you know someone who loves Webkinz and would love to own a very special pet, be sure to visit Ganz eStore between November 23 and 25 to purr-chase the Purr-fect gift for them, a code for a Holiday Kitten. Learn more at Ganz eStore!


Watch Webkinz Newz closer to the date for more information about a special event to welcome this special pet to Webkinz World!


92 Responses to Don’t Miss Out on the Purr-fect Gift for Collectors!

  1. Squeebers says:

    How is this being purchased with estore moneys or irl dollars

  2. bubbashuka says:


  3. d3999 says:

    I want this kitty! I hope it’s not terribly overpriced…I would really like to get it.

  4. singerdiva says:

    how many estore points? or like, how many real dollars worth of estore points?

  5. sunshine2 says:

    It sounds like maybe they will just be giving away the code for free for this pet, just like some of their past ones like EB from Hop, and The Decade Dragon.

  6. FoxesRule612 says:

    Hoo boy….not another promo. Oh well. =/

    • FoxesRule612 says:

      I hope it’s not one of those ridiculously priced pets.

    • LuckyFinnigan says:

      Foxesrule, I think this pet will be similar to the Turtle Dove (The wardrobe is a re-colored version of that pet’s PSI) that was available last Black Friday weekend. It wasn’t expensive at all. I think it was 10000 estore points for Deluxe and regular members could buy it for 12,500?

  7. perfect29_backup says:

    AAH I AM SO GOING TO ASK FOR 10,000 ESTORE POINTS FOR MY BDAY! to be fair I also have to cancel my deluxe membership so it doesn’t renew again, but luckily I haven’t used my free month of deluxe yet! Also apologies for using all caps in that first sentence, I just really hope to get the estore points for my birthday because it is super close to thanksgiving (which is why I am having my party before my birthday). to be fair I also just hope my family will actually get me presents for my birthday. Last year they didn’t and the one thing I picked out for myself didn’t even work how it was supposed to, the people who made it did it wrong and wrote the instructions for doing it the wrong way.

    • perfect29_backup says:

      it was a lava lamp

    • perfect29_backup says:

      if it costs 10,000 points, also I do not think my mom will agree to get me it.

      • Katz1259 says:

        All of the recent special pets that sell for only a few days have been 100,000 points or more! I don’t want to burst your bubble, so I will hope along with you that you can get the points and get the special kitten. I have 4 cats (and maybe more if I stop being lazy and go through my storage boxes) that I have been saving to adopt during the upcoming kitten event at the estore. … I LOVE and collect cats!!! Good luck I hope you get your kitty and I get mine!!

        • Beckinz8 says:

          Kitten event @ the estore? Do you just mean the Holiday Kitten listed above, or is there something more? I’m not a cat person, but I’m curious. Can you give more info?

          • Katz1259 says:

            Beckinz8 I am very sorry. There was a kitten “event” in October, I am thinking now that it was an Odd Holiday. very sorry for the confusion. mea culpa

    • MyLittlePony2010EG13 says:

      Hey there, Perfect29! It’s me, 09xStarlightx09! It’s okay, I get sugar hyped all of the time! What? You didn’t get presents last year? I’m very sorry to hear that, but birthdays aren’t about presents, but it’s at least something! Ah, my older sister got a pink lava lamp a few years ago and it didn’t even work, either! Ah, I’m sorry if you can’t get the cute kitty. If I get it, I can send you the PSF and maybe the PSI. ;)

  8. ilovemoonie says:

    Aww, this little kitty is so cute!! ^-^ If it costs the usual 10,000 estore points, I think I might just get it! I don’t have that many points right now, but I might be able to buy some so that I can get it… Additionally, I looked at the estore calendar this morning, and I love the virtual pets that are being released this month! The Be Merry Bear, Fox Kit, and Snowfall Bunny are all adorable! :D I only wish that they were available as a plush, especially the bunny and fox…

  9. bluenightkitty says:

    Does anyone know how many estore points this pet costs? Its so adorable!

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