The Summer All Day Events Are Back!


Starting today, the Today’s Activities will have an event every hour, every day during summer!


Stop on by the Today’s Activities right now to participate in some great activities and win awesome prizes!


65 Responses to The Summer All Day Events Are Back!

  1. rock33 says:

    Yes! Now I can do it when I go on Webkinz at 8 A.M.

  2. 5631 says:

    this looks awesome, HAPPY SUMMER EVERYONE!!!!!!:)

  3. Mochagarden5 says:

    I’m so excited about this! Thanks, Ganz!

  4. puppylover8788 says:

    LOVE IT!

  5. prprprprp says:


  6. etncpink says:

    Yay! Now I wont always have to wait until 4 o’clock! Thanks so much!!!!!!

  7. CrazyCatCrib says:

    wahoo! i wish we could have this all the time. aren’t a lot of kids home schooled and aren’t a lot of your members adults, anyway? :D thx, Ganz!

  8. hiphopten says:

    Thanks for the news. Wish you would bring back all day stadium comps. Why did that stop last summer? Lots of disappointed players.. :(

  9. RiseandShine says:

    Hurray!!!! I love it, thank you so much!

    • SaveTilikum says:

      I love it too! Finally! But now my summer is like halfway over. Oh well. Thanks! ~Ocean

      • playnowpuppy says:

        I know how u feel summer seems to go by so fast so enjoy it while u can! So glad about this I go on webkinz more then ones a day so Its great to know there will always be stuff to do! Ps: this is kinda random but if anyone wants a deluxe watermelon swimsuit or sailors dress or butterfly hat then add me to your webkinz friends list and u can trade me something for it I would give it to someone for free but I’m not deluxe :( but if any deluxe members would give me deluxe clothes I can send u something cool for it Thanks-playnowpuppy :)

      • kittycat1506 says:

        i know how dose summer go by so fast and fall, winter, and spring take so long im gonna have my first year in middle school this year im supper scared im going to gaiser any advise anyone

        • playnowpuppy says:

          Hi kittycat1506 I’m not In middle school yet but I have a few friends that are and they said Its really not so bad! Think of all the fun things that will happen and that will be different from elementry school! But different Isn’t bad It can more fun than u think! My advice Is think of middle school as a fun adventure and a great way to make more friends! :)

      • egno1 says:

        Yeah, i can’t believe that it’s already July! I’ve heard that the older you get, the faster each summer goes! Like, last year the summer dragged by, and then this year, the summer is going soooooooo fast!

    • fiicaluililith says:

      Awesome! Totally excited!!!

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