The Three Musketeers – Act 1

D’Artagnan couldn’t believe how noisy Old Kinzville was. Carriages clattering, vendors yelling, children running: it was so different from his quiet homeland of Gascony! But he kept on through the crowd, sometimes consulting his (wildly inaccurate) map, determined to reach Mr. Treville, Captain of the famous King’s Musketeers. The young man had travelled all this way for that very reason—to become a member of these elite guards—and nothing would stop him now!

Just as he stepped onto the sidewalk, however, he noticed a tall figure in an ice-blue gown just ahead of him. She turned her head and D’Artagnan nearly gasped aloud at her cold beauty. Without thinking, he began striding toward her, intent on introducing himself to such a remarkable lady. But just as he did, she saw him, scowled, and jumped into a nearby carriage beginning to pull away. D’Artagnan stopped short. How dare she ignore him, an honorable young man, and insult him so? He must confront her!









“How rude!” he said indignantly, and gave chase to the speeding vehicle. In his haste, he leapt over boxes, stalls and even people, prompting a few yells of surprise. As he gained on the carriage, he could see one final obstacle in front of him: three uniformed men throwing dice onto the cobblestones.

“Watch out!” D’Artagnan cried as he approached them at top speed. All three looked up, eyes widening at the impending runner.

D’Artagnan took a deep breath and jumped as high as he could, but…

“OOF!” they all exclaimed in unison as he crashed into them, causing everyone to spill into the street. Two seconds later, he found himself being lifted by his collar and looking into two very blue, very angry eyes.









“And who are YOU, boy, who dares to insult the King’s Musketeers?”

The King’s Musketeers! D’Artagnan’s fear turned to joy and he grinned at the furious guard.

“Uh… my name is D’Artagnan, sir! Are you really a Musketeer? That’s why I came to Old Kinzville, to become one of you!”

“Well, if that’s true, boy, I’m afraid that you will first have to defeat each of us in a duel for insulting us this way! Myself—Athos—first, and then Porthos and Aramis here, my friends and colleagues.” Aramis, a smaller man, waved, while Porthos, a more rotund gentleman, spat out a cherry pit.

D’Artagnan gulped. He hadn’t expected to duel so soon, and against three of the most legendary guards in Old Kinzville!

Just then, they heard a stern voice. “Who dares cause such a ruckus?”

Athos, still holding the young man’s collar, turned around and saw two irritated royal officers standing before them. He gave them a scathing look. “And who dares to speak to the King’s special protectors in such a way?”

“Fools, that’s who!” piped up Aramis. Porthos chuckled and slapped him on the back. The royal guards frowned and advanced on the Musketeers. With a sigh, Athos released D’Artagnan and the four men faced the onslaught.








After a few swings of fists and a brief pile-up, Athos and Porthos emerged holding the two groggy guards, setting them gently on the ground. “Well done, young D’Artagnan!” said Porthos. “You are quite a fighter! Thank you for helping us defend against these buffoons.”

“Yes,” said Aramis. “Maybe we can forget those duels and be friends instead. What do you say?”

“Of course!” replied D’Artagnan happily. “I’d be honored!”

“It’s settled, then,” said Athos. “Now let’s lock our agreement with our special motto…”

And drawing their swords, the four new friends touched them together and cried, “All for one and one for all!

“Gentlemen, I’m so pleased!” said D’Artagnan. “But I have an important question. Can you help me find my inn? It’s nearly dark and this map is terrible.”

Porthos peered at it. “That’s because it’s of New Kinzville, silly lad! Come with us, we’ll take you to the right place! Do you think they’ll have meat pies?”

And the four fighters sauntered off together into the night, happy as could be. For now…

12 Responses to The Three Musketeers – Act 1

  1. 1281wfd says:

    This is awesome!!

  2. >^..^< Catkin says:

    I love the part about the map being of New Kinzville, not Old. Funny! Hylian_Hedgehog, the book is fantastic! And there’s a ton more to the story than the Kinz had time to cover in their play. I highly recommend reading it!

  3. ke8o says:

    Good Job, guys! — ke8o :)

  4. lovepuppygirl says:

    This is WAY AWESOME!!!!!!

  5. Hylian_Hedgehog says:

    This is so cool! Makes me want to read the book.

  6. >^..^< Catkin says:

    Wow. Fun opening act, & an interesting take on the classic tale. Has anyone read the original Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas? One of my favorites!

  7. cathouse2j3gnight2011 says:

    Pretty cool. I love those pictures. >>cathouse2

  8. dogs5678 says:

    so cool! time to read part 2. :) i wonder whats going to happen next

  9. lillyfoot2372 says:

    nice! keep up the good work!

  10. #*bramble*dusk*# says:

    Great job performind guys

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