The Tigerlily Pup is Here!

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It’s the day we’ve all been waiting for! The Tigerlily Pup, the winner of the Design a Dog Contest, is now available in the W Shop and eStore. You can pick this pup up with your eStore Points! (Note: You don’t have to be Deluxe to buy eStore Points!)

What will you name your Tigerlily Pup? Let us know in the comments!


Now available at:


131 Responses to The Tigerlily Pup is Here!

  1. Chachels says:

    So cute! <3 I'm on the fence of getting this pet, or not. I'm deluxe and have 8000 estore points (got deluxe yesterday) and am thinking about getting the love puppy (SOOO CUTE! <3 begging for 3 years :( ) and I was kinda hoping the love puppy would be my 50th pet… I dunno…

  2. sunny2006 says:

    I really want, but I can’t get it. I used up my estore point a long time ago

  3. feddddd says:

    hey! snowball31802!!! In webkinz, I sent you a friend request, but you…..

  4. kyarapinky says:

    will there be a plush Gennelle Webkinz

  5. webkinzRmylife22 says:

    Wish I was there for the contest but I really wish I had enough estore points!

  6. ArtMagician says:

    Yay! I got my Tigerlily Pup! I named it FireBud, because the fiery colors made me think of flower bud, but instead, FireBud! If there was to be another contest, I would want either Design A Cat or Design A Bird. Please consider these ideas, Ganz! It would be SO cool to see what people would come up with for other animals!

  7. web2the says:

    Next you should make just design a webkin and it can be anything out of your imagination and do a kitty one too. Also congrats to who ever designed that looks nice

  8. Lisamarie580 says:

    i friended the person who made this and they said YES!!!!! EEEEKKK!!!

  9. Loviegirl18 says:

    Why don’t you make mixed breed Webkinz. My ideas are Maine Coon-Manx (Short tail not no tail) And Siamese-Snowshoe.

  10. Loviegirl18 says:


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