The Wacky Zingoz Celebration Starts Today!



Hello, my fellow KinzFolk!


I’m SO EXCITED because everyone’s favorite summer event, the Wacky Zingoz Celebration, begins today! In honor of this festival, all the Wacky games in the Arcade are listed at the TOP of the Arcade list, too.


Here’s what’s in store for you between July 31-August 9:


Wacky Floaty Clicky Event


Look for the floating Wacky in Webkinz World and click him up to 3 times a day to win a yummy prize: Wacky Crackers, Wacky Fruit Kebabs, Zangoz Orange Fizz and Wacky Cake Pops!

WackyER Zingoz Prizes


Between July 31-August 9, play WackyER Zingoz in the Arcade and earn 11,500 points or higher to receive a random prize like the Wacky Light Up Lamp, WackyER Window, or WackyER Wallpaper or Flooring!



Wacky Zingoz Trophy


Can you hit Wacky 600 feet or further in Wacky Zingoz? If you do it between July 31-August 9, you’ll earn a Wacky Zingoz 600 Trophy!


Wacky Zingoz Celebration Challenge


Play this fun Challenge from August 1-31 to win awesome prizes for your pet, like the Wacky Jet Backpack, Giant Zangoz Plushy and WackyER Zingoz Arcade Unit!




Have fun celebrating with Wacky in Webkinz World!


Mayor of Kinzville





132 Responses to The Wacky Zingoz Celebration Starts Today!

  1. FoxesRule612 says:

    I found a way to turn OFF those crazy third-party ads….hehehehehe…

  2. FoxesRule612 says:

    BWAAAAAAAAHHHHH I can’t win many of those prizes because my account expired. :*(

  3. kittykilljoy says:

    please respond to this if you have the wacky window or flooring that you are willing to trade for the wacky wallpaper. my username is apoppy

  4. Lizzie1997 says:

    I got to wacky zingoz trophies and it was fun i am on the last part of the challenges

  5. ImaPepper says:

    I’m experiencing really bad lag when I try to play Wacky Zingoz…I got higher scores before the Wacky festival. I hope this is temporary, I’d really like to finally win that trophy.

    • ImaPepper says:

      Yay! Finally got the trophy…it’s awesome! If you’re having trouble finding the floats (Wacky and Doc McStuffins), check where you are in WW. They will NOT appear when I’m in my house or the Clubhouse, but they float often when I go to the Kinzville map. They will sometimes float when I’m in a game, too. Good luck to everyone!

  6. Sparklesparkleusa says:

    I got every item in 1 day. Is there going to be more fun and prizes during the celebration.

  7. dollspace says:

    No Wacky after 5 hours and no Doc McStuffins either. I can play the games only if I disable plug-ins on chrome to stop the streaming adds from running but that keeps our big accounts from loading. I used to be able to open two accounts and take care of my grandkids’ accounts while I waited but now not being able to size the open windows to do that doesn’t work so we are giving up on floaties. We have 16 deluxe accounts in the family and hundreds of pets with more to adopt. We love being able to play together but we had to give up on Spree and will probably do the same with Wacky. This is usually the family favorite event too! I know the design crew is working hard but this advertisement problem is really ruining the game because it makes Webkinz glitch. Of course the ads are fine!

  8. 4accounts says:

    The video ads that run in the corner of Webkinz World are seriously messing with my game play in the arcade. I’ve tried to play Wackyer Zingos many times and only been able to get to the needed points once. The game degrades and it can’t be completed when the video runs. Its fine when there’s no video. Please fix!!!!!

  9. CatHeart says:

    I want to say sorry to someone (I forget their user). I told them that I would friend them because they wanted some of the stuff in the school giveaway (they didn’t go on Webkinz often) and I never friended them. I’ll prob get around to friending them tomarrow, and send them some stuff from the giveaway when they agree. And if she/he is reading this, on Webkinz I’m kittycat6406 so when the friend thing comes agree to it.

  10. CatHeart says:

    Does anyone know where playnowpuppy and Contry (I know I spelled it wrong) are?

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