The Webkinz Groundhog is Retiring This Month!



Congratulations to Webkinz Groundhog owners because this pet is retiring in February! This plush pet is officially sold out of our warehouse and no more will ever be made! If you see one at your local retailer you may want to grab it because this pet, along with it’s adoption gifts (the Woodland Burrow Bureau and the Two Seasons Cake), are now collector’s items!



Webkinz Groundhog owners can play the Counting Sailboats game EVERY Sunday in February and try to win a rare piece of clothing that can ONLY be won by playing the game. You can access the game from Today’s Activities:



Groundhog owners can also pick up a special gift box from Today’s Activities on Sunday February 22nd. Want to know what’s inside? We’re going to reveal what’s in the gift box RIGHT HERE on Webkinz Newz Sunday, February 15th!



What do you think is inside the Groundhog’s retirement gift box? Please leave your comments below…


51 Responses to The Webkinz Groundhog is Retiring This Month!

  1. kiddowithspirit says:

    I’m so exited! I have the webkinz groundhog

  2. doodlepoodle678 says:

    It is sad that they are retiring the groundhog in Febuary when it is the month of GROUNDHOG DAY!

  3. Cherrycheesecake says:

    So when a pet is retired, does that mean you can’t register it, even if you have an unused code?

    • Gennelle Webkinz says:

      No, as long as that code is unused, you can still register it, even if the pet is retired. Retirement means that Ganz won’t be making any more of that pet, so you own a collectible!

  4. hln2004 says:

    Waaaa! It is so sad Mr.Groundhog is going away……And just in time for groundhog day too! The groundhog species has their own DAY who in the WORLD gets their own day?! Well,farewell groundhog :( Congrats to all those owners of a rare pet now!

  5. Canorem says:

    Oh my goodness. My Kisses the Groundhog was my 10th ever Webkinz, and the only one I put through the Kinzville Academy (before my Polar Bear this year!!!) I must’ve adopted her sometime in 2009. Oh, the memories… My plush Groundhog is very scruffy and dirty <3

  6. jesussaves7 says:

    it is so cute, i am sad to see it leave.

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