Update: Look for Wooly Piglet Clubhouse Room Prizes on Webkinz Newz!

Update: Because players are currently unable to find the Piglet in the Clubhouse Room, it seems the snow storm has swept the Wooly Piglet over to Webkinz Newz! See if you can catch a glimpse of it with a special Webkinz Newz Floaty Clicky! 


That’s right – while you’re still welcome to visit the Wooly Piglet Clubhouse Room and play in the snow, you have a chance to collect all the prizes between December 4 and 18 here on Webkinz Newz. 


Look for the floating Wooly Piglet on Webkinz Newz and click on it to receive one gift a day! Check out the prize schedule below. And keep checking in at the Clubhouse… who knows when we will dig that pig out!


PLUS after our next update on December 19, we will be extending the Wooly Piglet Clubhouse event to December 31!



Oh no! The Wooly Piglet was on its way to Webkinz World when a sudden snowstorm blew up, trapping it at the Clubhouse! We need to free the Wooly Piglet – it has to get to Ganz eStore by Christmas Day!


Help us dig out the Wooly Piglet! Every day between December 1 and 24, visit the Wooly Piglet Room in the Clubhouse to keep the piglet company and let it know that help is on the way!



If we all dig together, we can free that little pig and make sure that the Wooly Piglet gets to Ganz eStore by Christmas day when it goes on sale!


320 Responses to Update: Look for Wooly Piglet Clubhouse Room Prizes on Webkinz Newz!

  1. bhart371 says:

    I clicked on all the hillsides, none awarded a prize. Which hill is it? It is a glitch that none rewarded a prize?

  2. bonesbongo says:

    The Wooly Piglet is adorable, I will be getting it for sure. :}

  3. bonesbongo says:

    There seems to be a problem with the Wooly Piglet Room. I have went to visit it several times I keep getting a message This room is full. Try another room or come back later! I am suppose to click on a snowpile blocking the piglet to get a prize. I don’ t see the Wooly Piglet. It is very difficult to even get to the snow hill many of the player leave their pet there and don’t move. When I was finally able to get to the snowpile I sat on it nothing happened.

    • _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

      I think a lot of people stay in the room for a while, because they’re trying to figure out where you collect the prize. I don’t think people are being mean, like some on here think, they’re just trying to figure it out like us, which is why the room is constantly full. I don’t what the problem is with this snow pile, but I hope Webkinz workers have noticed this and will fix it soon!

  4. dixiecup says:

    Says the room is full, come back later … really?

  5. suzuki108 says:

    love the pet clubhouse special events – these are too much fun! thank you GANZ! <3

  6. puppuphk says:

    I couldn’t even find what snow pile it was? There’s too many and clicking each just either sat on it or slid down…is it not in plain sight?

    • miamama says:

      Same for me! Did not find the pig’s snow pile!

    • bigdadkeith says:

      I cannot find it either.

    • WebkinzFanCEG says:

      Same here. Which snow pile is it? All the ones in the room the pets just sat on or slid down. Maybe the Wooly Piglet snow pile won’t be added until later on today.

    • robbi2001 says:

      I’m having trouble finding the right snow pile too.

    • netge says:

      I went in twice and clicked everything a couple of times and no gift from anything. Snow pile just lets your pet sit on it, doesn’t give anything. Always happens on a weekend when no one working to check on new items. I agree with those who say pets just sit and refuse to move to allow others. I always move as soon as I get the gift, it is rude not to. As many people as possible should be able to access the room and the item to click on.

    • _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

      Same! I can’t find it..? Also, after I left the room, I couldn’t go back in cause it was full. Have these prize-collecting rooms always been able to get full? I didn’t know that!

  7. ELJUCO1964 says:

    YES Please not let the pets block the snowpile it is a shame you have to wait anywhere from 10-20 min to get to the item to click on it… I do not care for the rude people doing this and not letting others getting to the item for a prize… I am not sure why this is being allowed… I just try so many times then give up not going to deal with common jokers…

  8. LadyBeauty says:

    cowtonwn2, You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers! I pray that Christmas Day will be filled with unexpected blessings for you and your father, that you will experience a precious bonding time together making it a very special Christmas in spite of your recent loss, such as it was for my husband and I during a particular Christmas many years ago when we were grieving over a huge loss in our lives. Also know that your Webkinz family cares and loves you too! ♪♫LadyBeauty♪♫

  9. animalmomkls says:

    This looks like fun. Love the prizes and the adorable Wooly Piglet. So cute!

  10. nettne2 says:

    I hope the snow pile is bigger the those pets that block it so no one else can click on it. i have had to wait almost 15 minutes before said persons finally move aside. (this is leaving and returning to the room) we couldnt even see the goblins to click on them . they stand in front of sophie for endless periods of time. i dont like the clubhouse due to this rude behavior.

    • lmj87 says:

      I pull the tractor in front of the pet that’s blocking Sophie, the pet soon move’s.

    • AnimalGirl1991 says:

      I agree! I have experienced the same exact thing. No matter what it is, I always have trouble clicking due to other players not moving their pet after the collect the gift.

      • tigerlily1975 says:

        I have experienced crowds in front of the host with no one moving after they get their prize. I at first thought maybe that was where some pets were appearing when they went to meet the goblins or whomever (generating beside the host), but then it’s my turn and I click and nothing happens, so I have to keep trying. I can also tell you from personal experience, when I get close enough to the pet I am trying to click on for a prize, my game freezes and I am stuck there, blocking other people from playing. I try to log out but sometimes it takes a few minutes to let me even do that. :(

        • Anathema says:

          Since midnight the crowds have been so thick it’s impossible to even get in the room! Been trying since midnight, still nothing but “room is full, try another room’. Um, no, don’t need another room, only this one, thanks. Jeez I hope this is fixed tomorrow. Plus, 2 hours, and Snowy Retriever medallions only on one account. Wow, it is going to be a looooong frustrating month at this rate.

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