Update: Look for Wooly Piglet Clubhouse Room Prizes on Webkinz Newz!

Update: Because players are currently unable to find the Piglet in the Clubhouse Room, it seems the snow storm has swept the Wooly Piglet over to Webkinz Newz! See if you can catch a glimpse of it with a special Webkinz Newz Floaty Clicky! 


That’s right – while you’re still welcome to visit the Wooly Piglet Clubhouse Room and play in the snow, you have a chance to collect all the prizes between December 4 and 18 here on Webkinz Newz. 


Look for the floating Wooly Piglet on Webkinz Newz and click on it to receive one gift a day! Check out the prize schedule below. And keep checking in at the Clubhouse… who knows when we will dig that pig out!


PLUS after our next update on December 19, we will be extending the Wooly Piglet Clubhouse event to December 31!



Oh no! The Wooly Piglet was on its way to Webkinz World when a sudden snowstorm blew up, trapping it at the Clubhouse! We need to free the Wooly Piglet – it has to get to Ganz eStore by Christmas Day!


Help us dig out the Wooly Piglet! Every day between December 1 and 24, visit the Wooly Piglet Room in the Clubhouse to keep the piglet company and let it know that help is on the way!



If we all dig together, we can free that little pig and make sure that the Wooly Piglet gets to Ganz eStore by Christmas day when it goes on sale!


320 Responses to Update: Look for Wooly Piglet Clubhouse Room Prizes on Webkinz Newz!

  1. AddieClaire11 says:

    Hi there! i know this random but nobody would answer me so ill give it a shot! does anyone have any campaign gifts from Sophie? i missed her in the park. if anyone send me something i will give them a Christmas gift! just add me and send it thanks! im madiecookiedoughABC8 i(its from a long time ago) HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL AND YOUR WEBKINZ FAMILY!

  2. sixteencandles says:

    The Webkinz wizards are aware of the issue and will fix it as always.

  3. 1Emerald1 says:

    Well, that didn’t work. Not amusing how they cancelled the Candy Cane collection, but that’s okay because they’re running so many OTHER wonderful events…I hope some of the others will actually work. Happy Holidays anyway, friends.

  4. gromit says:

    Not sure if anyone else has brought this up but Ms. Birdy in the Welcome Room hasn’t been giving out her box for the past week or so. Maybe the same bug?

  5. westsidefitness says:

    As an adult with children and grandchildren on here playing, I just wanted to thank you for how precious your updates are. Things like “it seems the snowstorm was worse than we thought” are just perfect!!! My family has been playing since 2007 with only a brief lapse for a couple of years but for the most part almost 10 years now and I love the way you handle matters like these!

    • dixiecup says:

      I think it’s a pleasant way of saying ‘My Bad!’ We will get right on that and have you up and running in no time ;) It is very sweet that they address it this way. Acknowledge that there is an issue, settle it and make them smile while they do it. They have been at this as long as we have and they know what works and what doesn’t when dealing with a crusty customer ;)

  6. Paw5678 says:

    i cant even get in the room :[

  7. tiny1955 says:

    DO we need AD’s ON or can AD’s be OFF ??

    • tiny1955 says:

      11:51 am eastern still not there . COULD YOU PLEASE TEST 1 day ahead of time so people are disapointed less. I f I come in the room during a test “SAY its a test and I will leave .” This would save you a FULL DAY in time fixing things .

      • dixiecup says:

        Tiny1955, there are so many things going on and sometimes they work in a ‘test’ situation, but not with an unexpected server overload. I don’t know if they were ready for such an overwhelming response. It’s GOOD thngs like this happen once in a while, otherwise they haven’t a real grasp of how many of us are still involved in our Webkinz. This truly shows that Webkinz players are not dwindling, if anything, we’ve grown. I am totally fine with being sidelined for a day on this one. No biggy because a lot of the items we already have. I would have been way more concerned if we were waiting endlessly for the medallions. It truly is the lesser of 2 evils at this point. And getting angry and Yelling at them doesn’t accomplish anything, anyway. You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar.

  8. grannyjany says:

    Where is the “Snowpile blocking the piglet?” If anyone manages to find it, please let us all know.

    • MONKEYSMILE05 says:

      I THINK it is the SNOWPILE that looks like a CHAIR you can sit on it . It is the only one of its kind in the room . BUT it isn’t working today maybe later or tommarrow

  9. nicolemarion says:

    This room is broken I get “room is full come back later” and others are tell me the snow prize doesn’t work. Please fix!!

  10. SuSuLei2018 says:

    Same here, finally got in after many attempts. Tried doing everything possible and nothing seemed to deliver anything in my dock… If anyone figures this out. Please let us know.

    • outgoinglyshy says:

      Same for me. Personally, I think they might have forgotten to put the pig in there. ;) The room stays full because everyone is trying to figure out what to click on. Ugh

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