Three Prizes Retiring July 2nd!


Two Exclusive Items and a Superbed will be retiring at midnight, July 2nd (EST).


You’ll be randomly awarded an Exclusive Item with every pet adoption. You can also trade in your Wish Tokens for Exclusive Items at the Wish Factory.


Superbeds are awarded by adopting your 10th pet, then every 5th pet adoption after that.


So, there’s still time to try and get the King of the Castle Bed, Webkinz Day Countdown and the Swan Boat Car before they’re retired on July 3rd!



Have you collected these prizes already? Let us know in the comments below!


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37 Responses to Three Prizes Retiring July 2nd!

  1. dixiecup says:

    And nobody has caught on to the fact that the Webkinz Day Clock is retiring before the 20th Anniversary? Ok, we won’t mention that at all 😉 But I will say this, I just love going into my Party room and seeing April 29th displayed on that sign, the lights still swirl around it and it just reminds me that Every Day is Webkinz Day 😍

  2. strawberrycream12 says:

    Thank you for the heads up! I really like that super bed, and I definitely need one more before it goes!

  3. megamom12 says:

    Thanks for the heads up. I have all of them, but will be getting at least one more of each. By the way, is there and reason why it’s taking so very long to add tokens to the Wish Machine? It’s like waiting for a 286 to boot up!

  4. RRB says:

    Sad to see the bed retire.

  5. shortordercook says:

    I have both of the exclusive prizes, but not the superbed. I do have a couple of unopened superbed boxes, so I will have to get that bed. It’s really cool. Thanks for the heads up!

  6. CDR_Shepard says:

    I never thought I’d see the Webkinz Day Countdown clock become retired; you guys had that up for years as a way for us users to know when Webkinz Day is coming. Man, 17 years of playing Webkinz and seeing that clock really flew blew.

  7. leaveitnow41s says:

    That Webkinz Day calendar should’ve been retired years ago! never worked right

  8. FoxesRule612 says:

    I feel like I have at least a dozen of those swan cars XD as cute as it is I’m glad it’s retiring!

  9. pinkiecupcake says:

    I’m sorry to see the King of the Castle bed retire. I think that was the last remaining original SuperBed. (I could be wrong about that, though, but I don’t remember a news story about it being released since I started playing.)

  10. Alphaowlbear says:

    I sincerely appreciate every time Ganz gives us advance notice when items will retire. The King of the Castle bed is not one of my favorites and I don’t have it yet, but I can adopt two medallion pets to get the Superbed gift box needed to get one, so again, thanks so much for the advance notice! Also, can I assume a new and exciting Superbed will soon be available?

    • megamom12 says:

      That sounds like a plan! I’ve had one of th3e King of the Castle beds for my Caramel Lion for years. I will be picking up one more to have in reserve though.

    • cr2w says:

      Thanks for reminder about medallions. Was able to get the bed. Been saving wish tokens for awhile – have over 700. Waiting for what was going to be retired next. Think I have several of retirees in my dock. Will have to check. So may just continue to save.

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