Three Prizes Retiring July 2nd!


Two Exclusive Items and a Superbed will be retiring at midnight, July 2nd (EST).


You’ll be randomly awarded an Exclusive Item with every pet adoption. You can also trade in your Wish Tokens for Exclusive Items at the Wish Factory.


Superbeds are awarded by adopting your 10th pet, then every 5th pet adoption after that.


So, there’s still time to try and get the King of the Castle Bed, Webkinz Day Countdown and the Swan Boat Car before they’re retired on July 3rd!



Have you collected these prizes already? Let us know in the comments below!


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37 Responses to Three Prizes Retiring July 2nd!

  1. cecedancer406 says:

    Thank you for the advanced notice. I am a little disappointed to see these items go. The Swan Car will always hold a special place in my heart as it is the first exclusive item I ever received.

  2. muddyweek says:

    ive been trying to get into the clubhouse and playing dogbeard game with arte . one of my arcade game isnt playing twiggy worm cant chew down.

  3. flumeride says:

    The countdown calendar needed to go after the game’s big update back in 2015. It actually used to work correctly and count down the days until April 29th but after that update, all it said was April 29th all year long….no more countdown. :(

    • FoxesRule612 says:

      In those days though there was actually a chance of stuff getting fixed. Now that Flash is done for nothing is feasibly repairable for Ganz anymore. But I agree, it should’ve been retired once it was rendered unfixable.

  4. mkd61_mkd says:

    I will have to get the swan boat car

  5. KarenaJ says:

    I’m so glad to see that Webkinz Day Countdown go. It hasn’t worked for as long as I’ve been playing. No more feeling disappointed when I get it as an adoption bonus. I love the Swan Car but I have loads of them and I’ll def have to use a Superbed Box on another King of the Castle Bed. Can’t wait to see the NEW items replacing these. I’m currently saving up all my berries to get the new Cash Register and Seesaw from JF. Thanks Ganz Team :)

  6. LegoFan27 says:

    Tried wishing for the Swan Boat Car, got a “Please Wait” message that did not do anything. After several minutes, I got tired of waiting, went back to my room and came back to Wish Factory. It did not process the wish, but also did not reduce my tokens. Maybe a glitch to be investigated?

  7. lianne819 says:

    I hope this means we will have a couple of new beds to choose from because in my opinion they don”t swap them out nearly enough. Same goes for the items at the wish factory. Hope to see new ones soon.

  8. Alice44 says:

    thank you for the advanced notice! not to be mean but you didn’t give us much time with the jumble berry field items, but all that matters is that you’re listening to the people and improving! <3

  9. kalcan8 says:

    Thank you for the advanced notice! I don’t think I have that super bed, so I will definitely snap that up. I really love the Swan Boat car as it reminds me of an amusement park called Dutch Wonderland. I will have to try to pick up a couple more. According to @dixiecup, the countdown clock still works, so I will have to check, as I think it is in my dock. Again, thank you so much for the heads up!

    • kalcan8 says:

      :’-) I opened my Kinz mail today, and I am literally crying! Three friends sent me Swan Boats! You guys are sooooooo awesome! You made my day!!!

      • urcow says:

        We all love 2 B able 2 help our friends when we can :) From Ur friends that sent the swan boats Glad it made U smile

        • kalcan8 says:

          The preset ‘thank you’ messages on Kinzpost cannot possibly convey how deeply we appreciate the kindness and thoughtfulness of our WW community friends! I am glad that you were able to see my post on here. Again, many many thanks, friend!

  10. ifa2 says:

    The word ‘Retired’ does not mean a thing to Ganz. It’s not in their dictionary or Ganz does not understand what this word means!

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