Thrill Mountain is Announced

Ganz Studios™ has just released a new game to Apple’s App Store!

Enter Thrill Mountain for the iPad, iPhone and iPod touch!

To set the scene: You’re participating in the fabled Thrill Mountain competition. Put on your Roll Suit and head down fantastic hills inspired by Amazing World characters Cannoli, Gelato and Nibs. Challenge your reflexes and racing wit as your roll down tracks at full speed, but beware of the giant doughnuts and behemoth ice cream scoops…  obstacles full speed ahead!

Unlock medals, collect tokens and use your Zing’s special powers like super speed, high jumps and magnetism.

Try the Thrill Mountain today!

52 Responses to Thrill Mountain is Announced

  1. HorseLuv says:

    I would get it for my iTouch if it was free. :/

  2. lovebugs131 says:

    Cool! My brother will love this.

  3. LadyPancakes says:

    Oh, I thought this would be for the Hamsters, but I guess not. Too bad I

  4. Spiritchaser says:

    Oh :( I thought this was going to be something new for the Hamsters. Can we get some new stuff in that area? It has been along time since there were any new mazes, challenges or additions.

  5. not the same says:

    dat looks cool. cept i dont have dat kind of stuff (iPhone,iTouch,etc.)

  6. Star Gazer 2003 says:

    I dont like that new game.Im not playing it no thanks.Go webkinz.Did any one get summer gift today at all.

  7. horse121 says:

    one word: WOW!

  8. penguinlober505 says:

    kool id usually get webkinz games and i have never heard of amazing world but dats pretty kool nice idea topping Polar Plunge, Goober’s Lab, dat Zum game, rocketship game, etc. :)

  9. starrynight says:

    Cool! My mom already downloaded Smoothie Moves on her iPhone. I love it! :D

    • mortonhippo says:

      Cool but I would rather spend my money buying apps like Goobers Lab (live that one) were you can get kinzcash for your account! :D

    • Stargazer says:

      That looks really cool….but I don’t have iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch. I am saving up for an iPod touch this summer, though. -Stargazer

    • Chicago Made says:

      Hey, guys. Sorry I haven’t been on for a while (I was sooo busy). Anyways, about theThrill Mountain, it looks kind of cool! I do have an iPod Touch, so I might get this. ;) ~Chicago Made☠ P.S – @nihao9 and @SOAD Chick – I know, it’s been a while. Just wanted to remind you guys that I won’t be on WW or WKN for a while, because I’m sooo busy right now. Maybe catch up with you guys, and other friends another time. ;)

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