Throw an Adventure Party!


To celebrate summer, why not have an adventure party? Adventure parties can be a TON of fun – and there are a ton of great games and activities you can play!

Here are a few ideas:

1. Dig for treasure – set up a sandbox or rice bin (bin with uncooked rice in it) and bury treasures. Let everyone have a chance to find a treasure!

2. Scavenger hunt – divide your guests into groups and give them a list of items to find. Give them a time limit to make it extra-challenging!

3. Pack for an adventure game – This is an easy and fun game to play. One person starts by saying “On my adventure, I’m going to pack…” and then that person says something that begins with an “A”. The next person repeats the first person’s word and adds their own that starts with a “B” – see how far you can get before someone forgets an item or can’t come up with one for a letter!

4. Adventure Packing II – In this game, one person thinks of several things that follow a specific rule (like “On my adventure I’m going to pack things that are green, seeds, peels, and reeds!” The answer would be: “they all have double e’s in them”). The person says those words and everyone else has to guess what rule they follow. The person who gets it right comes up with the next bunch of items.

10 Responses to Throw an Adventure Party!

  1. Princess dog says:

    Cool! :D sounds like fun. I had a quick question for any one who sees this. How do you get past the third question on the road trip treasure hunt. Please help. (:(

  2. MessiMoose says:

    That sounds like SOOOO MUCH FUN! :D

  3. jensenhorse says:

    i love the sound of an adventure party great idea ganz and webkinz

  4. ~IceWolf~ says:

    I REALLY like the sound of an Adventure Party!!!

  5. The Leader says:

    Its okay

  6. System Of A Down Chick says:

    Awesome ideas, Ganz! ;)

    ♞~SOAD Chick~ ♞

  7. 2929mott says:

    That looks like a really cool idea!!
    Love from Stardust

  8. spookymh38 says:

    i could do that with webkinz cause that is a bunch of great ideas :D

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