Tile Towers Arcade Challenge ON NOW!


Hey there arcade enthusiasts! The Tile Towers Arcade Challenge starts TODAY—but don’t leave it to last minute… You’ll only have until Sunday, February 9th (midnight, Eastern Standard Time), to complete it!



Here’s how to play. Starting TODAY, February 3rd, look for the Tile Towers Arcade Challenge icon in your pet’s room. It will be displayed along the left side of the room:



Click on the icon to review your tasks. There are 3 tasks you’ll need to complete by midnight, Sunday, February 9th (EST) to earn the prizes:


  1. Earn 260 KinzCash playing Tile Towers in the Arcade
  2. Spin the Wheel of WOW 3 times
  3. Attempt any 5 jobs at the Employment Office


Play Tile Towers at the Arcade on Webkinz.com or the Webkinz desktop app and try to get the highest score possible by making matches and clearing as many tiles from the tower as you can!



Complete the Tile Towers Arcade Challenge before February 9th to win some awesome Egyptian-themed prizes, including a Sofa of the Nile, an Ornate Egyptian Side Table, and a Journey To Egypt Poster!



Do YOU have any gameplay tips to help complete this challenge? Let us know in the comments below!


30 Responses to Tile Towers Arcade Challenge ON NOW!

  1. KSC says:

    I’m enjoying this challenge! I love Tile Towers!!!

  2. Wingsfan65 says:

    Great prizes + my favourite game = win-win for me :D It took me a while to get the hang of Tile Towers when I first started playing it, but the more the play the better you get, so good luck to everyone!

  3. jingles4 says:

    Love these challenges and was so excited for a game I like. I thought this was going to work on the mobile app, as it showed up upon signin. Unfortunately, it doesn’t. Webkinz, can you please make available for the mobile app when games are available? It would be really helpful. Good luck everyone.

  4. Mila14 says:

    What a great day! The Tile Towers Challenge is here (I only play the Target version), I received Raccutie today on the Pet Medallions, and the Kansas City Chiefs won Super Bowl LIV. Yay!!

  5. cvd1934 says:

    Not sure where to post this- Mommyssheep, I’m soo sorry. Webkinz glitched and I lost your request to send you a heart. Your Friend Charka08

  6. nanamama12 says:

    My week has arrived!

  7. webkinz57fun says:

    Awesome prizes! I have most of this theme, but not the couch!

  8. 7debbie7 says:

    Great…Love Tile Towers…Love The Prizes…Thanks Ganz!

  9. mirforbas says:

    My gameplay tip is to take your time because it only awards like 1 or 2 extra kinzcash for finishing a level before the 11 min. mark. And look for all of the matching tiles that are next to each other, since you could accidentally get blocked in by making a match with the wrong group. I haven’t played this version online in awhile (been only playing the mobile version), but I believe there are 4 tiles of each character. For example, if you click on 2 Dr. Quack tiles, there will still be 2 more Dr. Quack tiles. So scan all the tiles to look for the best possible matches. Sometimes I won’t make an easy match because I can see another tile of that character is in a difficult spot, so I wait until I clear more of the board. Good luck everyone!!

  10. Beckinz8 says:

    Now, that right there is a spa! Well done, Gadsfavs1! I don’t have a lot of tips for this game, because even though I like to play it, I only do really well every once in a while. I tend to look for ‘fours’ rather than just ‘twos’. If I can’t see the fourth one in a set, I dig deeper, particularly if I can see that the tile I’m trying to match is sitting on another one of the same color, because with my luck, it will be the match I’m looking for. Good luck everyone, and I can’t wait to read all of your tips!

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