Time To Decorate!


Now room decorators no longer have to worry about losing their old wallpaper and flooring when they redecorate! We have updated the rooms to allow players to swap out their wallpaper and flooring with any other room style! This means that when you drag wallpaper and flooring into a room, instead of it being removed, the old wallpaper and flooring will instead be moved to your Dock! Also, when you add a new room you’ll notice a brand new starter look, with drywall wallpaper and plywood flooring! Time to get decorating!

98 Responses to Time To Decorate!

  1. Bella5 says:


  2. chloebunny20034 says:

    that so great i hate to ceep losing money

  3. webkinzmagic123 says:

    Thank you so much!

  4. kerrisspotty says:

    KNOW THEY TELL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. 113sa says:

    i think this is awesome because If I want to reuse my old rare wallpaper it wont go away

  6. angelpuppy34 says:

    finally!! ive used sooo much KC on wallpapers!

  7. maggie1 says:

    That is awesome!!! it will be a lot easier now!!!THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH GANZ!!!!

  8. victoria2727 says:

    ya and now i can sell the old wallpapper and get more money

  9. chloesandra says:

    yay! now all you epic people need to do is make it possible to upgrade rooms from small to medium or large then i wont lose all hope of webkinz

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