Now room decorators no longer have to worry about losing their old wallpaper and flooring when they redecorate! We have updated the rooms to allow players to swap out their wallpaper and flooring with any other room style! This means that when you drag wallpaper and flooring into a room, instead of it being removed, the old wallpaper and flooring will instead be moved to your Dock! Also, when you add a new room you’ll notice a brand new starter look, with drywall wallpaper and plywood flooring! Time to get decorating!
This is by far one of the best changes Webkinz has made! Now I can move my exclusive wallpapers instead of wasting them when I want to redecorate!
hey i love it my rooms will be complete!!!!!!
I thought this would be a great idea, but somehow a lot of my floorings and wall papers disappeared when this all started!! I have a lot of rooms and had to go threw all of them to see how many I had to replace :( and most were rare or unique ones…wasn’t very happy about them disappearing….
asoume now i just got to earn money to buy new wall papers lol
i lost my wallpaper and flooring is 3 of my rooms…..too much of a hassle to get reason why it happened, just bought new wallpaper and flooring for them no big deal really
thank you now i dont have to waste money on buying new wall paper
good, becouse i change my room’s like, every day mabye!!! plus i’m a collecter of about every item you can’t buy in the W-shop including exclusive wallpaper and flooring! so great…
This is great!With all the endangered wallpaper I have (not for trade) I can finally move it1