Time To Vote!



It’s time to vote for the candidate you’d like to see become the next mayor of Kinzville. 4 candidates are running in this year’s election: Sophie Stockwell, Dex Dangerous, PJ Collie and Dr. Quack. Click on the name of each candidate to read their campaign speeches and when you’re ready, click on the button below to vote:



You can vote once from November 29th – December 2nd, and we will be posting the results on Monday, December 3rd, right here on Webkinz Newz. Good luck to each candidate!


***Please DO NOT leave your choice for mayor in the comments***



70 Responses to Time To Vote!

  1. janglad62 says:

    I’ll list a recap of the candidates’ promises for anyone who hasn’t read their campaign speeches. Sophie Stockwell wants to give everyone a free eStore item each month for Customer Appreciation Day, Dex Dangerous wants to give us 3 Spree rolls each day instead of just 1, PJ Collie wants to replace the Kinzcash slots on the Wheel of Wow with clothing items, and Dr. Quack wants to give everyone a free sauna and make saunas count for Pet Care.

  2. crosbywife says:

    Does anyone have an extra Dr Quack Plushy? I got all hats and signs but no plushy :(

  3. 1Emerald1 says:

    This is the first Webkinz election where I don’t have a favorite candidate. None of the campaign promises struck me as markedly better than the others. What will I enjoy more? I really hated it when Cowabelle took away half of our Spree rolls & love the idea of 3 rolls per day, but don’t love the idea of having a spoiled narcissist for mayor. So Dex is right out. Free estore items sounds very attractive but I am not so easily led, “free” always ends up costing me money in the end. Sorry, Sophie. Dr Quack is my fave character of the 4 but his health smoothies did not work for my pets after an update ganz did shortly after their introduction. And the addition of health score for using a sauna is a very small benefit which I simply don’t need or care about. I’m heartbroken to say that PJ Collie is getting my vote for no better reason than I’ve been massively frustrated for over 10 years by nearly always landing on kinzcash on all the wheel games & her promise will at least alleviate some of that aggravation. What a terrible reason to vote for someone, but she’s the lesser of the disappointments. This reminds me of real world politics! Mournful sigh.

  4. peygan53 says:

    I wasn’t able to play webkinz a lot this month, does anyone have any spare plushes from the campaigns (I was only able to get Dex I think)

  5. dezibun says:

    This poll system is alot more confusing than the last one. I’m unsure if my vote is actually sent. I pressed the submit button more than once so does that mean i broke the rules and voted more than once? I wish they would bring back the old voting system.

  6. EmeraldCity says:

    I VOTED! and I already left a comment here this morning but didn’t go through, I said something like can I please have a sticker that says “I Voted for Kinzville Mayor” LOL! :P and that voting here is way more fun than real life voting, ha ha :D. I really hope my vote counts toward a win then it will be a win win situation! Everyone VOTE!!!

  7. grannyjany says:

    The reason they do not want us to leave our choice for mayor in the comments could be that some people might comment and think that counts for a vote, but it doesn’t. That’s what happened with the Name Me contests. People were leaving comments for what they wanted to name certain pets thinking they were entered for the contest, but they really weren’t.

    • grannyjany says:

      Or they don’t want us to be swayed to vote for who the majority of people are voting for. I’m glad they don’t use the old poll system anymore, because then everyone will vote for who they truly want to win. A lot of times I just voted for one of the two candidates (or room themes) in the lead, because I thought my vote wouldn’t matter if my choice was one that not many people were voting for.

  8. g2u3c4c5i says:

    Ganz, why don’t you use the old poll system anymore? Wouldn’t it be a lot easier to add up the results that way? Personally I liked to watch how each candidate was doing as it let you see the vote count throughout the voting. Just curious. :)

  9. leopardlover0001 says:

    i’d really like to know what Dr Quack will do if he’s not mayor

  10. LovesStaffordshires says:

    I kinda wish the girls clarified their speeches. Like is the player appreciation gift kinzpostable/trade-able & can we individually choose the e-store gift from a few options when we drag the box in the room? Will the clothing be the current deluxe seasonal clothing or really rare clothing like the colorful clown top hat? WE WANT TO KNOW! Pittiesrule

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