Today Is Player Appreciation Day!


Todays’s the day! Next Wednesday might be Webkinz Day, but today is all about you! It’s our Player Appreciation Day and this month we’re giving away an animated Confetti-Shooting hat!


Your pet will look fantastic in this fun hat on Webkinz Day!


Please note: this item is not tradeable, sendable, or sellable. If you would like to add it to your Webkinz account, log in to (web and desktop app only) today and visit Today’s Activities, which can be found in the Things To Do menu. Then click to collect your gift.


Happy Player Appreciation Day!


So fab. So fun.


28 Responses to Today Is Player Appreciation Day!

  1. emster7 says:

    I love this hat! Can’t wait to see it shoot confetti!

  2. lorelilee22 says:


  3. webkinz57fun says:

    We appreciate you Webkinz!

  4. tntmonton says:

    thanks, it’s really cute!

  5. MONKEYSMILE05 says:

    OH THANK YOU so much

  6. 1miruna says:

    thank Sophie. thank webkinz for giving us beautiful things every day. love webkinz

  7. ringneck1 says:

    Why again with the non-sellable/sendable? Yes it’s pretty, but, just why? I don’t like it when items are locked down like this. And after playing for many years, I have several items like this. You know where they sit? In my storage room :(

    • alucard says:

      ringneck1, I keep my “no sale/no send” items in a room I call “Arte’s Curio Shop”. If you have that Curio Shop Wallpaper we got from some contest last year (?), you could make a room to put all your “no sale/no send” items in. It IS really frustrating that Webkinz gives us prizes, or ones that we buy with ePoints, that we can’t get rid of without having to call Ganz and ask for them to be removed, which is something you could if you wished. I, too, don’t understand why they make certain items that we can’t get rid of. I’m sure there is a good reason why, but it would be nice if they would just let ALL items be “sellable/sendable/tradeable”. I think it would make all Webkinz Players very happy. :-) Hang in there ringneck1! Go make an awesome Curio Shop, or…maybe a cool museum room? You could call it “The Museum of Unwanted Items”. :-) Have a great day! – farout1

      • FoxesRule612 says:

        If you don’t want it, you can always not log in on that day. At least you have the option to refuse it. =)

      • FoxesRule612 says:

        I think the reason why they don’t allow Estore items to be sellable is because they are bought with real money…but on the contrary, there are a lot of items that are sellable/tradable that likewise can only be bought with real money. Kinda funny how that works, lol! But the whole thing behind stuff not being tradable is to keep kids from accidentally selling or getting rid of an item they got with real money. But then again, not many young kids play Webkinz anymore to begin with! XD I hardly know any little kids who have even heard of Webkinz. =P

        • alucard says:

          FoxesRule612, if the item is on the “Activities” page, I realize I can decide not to click on it, in order to get it. I just wish that sometimes, I could move a “non-sendable” item to one of my other accounts. It seems that if the item would stay within the players own accounts (just moving from account to account), it should be allowed. Also, I agree with you about the ratio of adult players vs children. It does seem that there are more adult players than younger players. My granddaughter played on Webkinz from 5yrs old, till she turned about 11yrs old. She had no desire to play anymore, but I continued. With Webkinz not being sold in stores, I know there are more adults than children. Children want what they can see and touch and hold. Anyway, I just wish Webkinz/Ganz, would lighten up on the strict rules about eStore/ePoint items, being no trade, no sale, no mail. It’s a bit ridicules. :-)

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