Tour of Kinzville – KinzStyle Outlet







By Purr-cilla

Yeah, so like, we had to choose a place in Kinzville to do our project on and guess which one I chose? D’uh – the KinzStyle Outlet obviously. I mean, who else really has the style and flair to do justice to most fashionable spot in town? I think you know what I’m saying.

So like, although I am pretty much THE authority on the KinzStyle Outlet, I figured that PJ Collie might be able to fill me in on one or two of the small detail that I’m not familiar with. There’s very little I don’t know.

PJ says that she has been working at the KinzStyle Outlet for years – ever since Tabby Von Meow helped her find the job.

Here’s an interesting fact (I am full of them): the KinzStyle Outlet used to be part of the W Shop.  When PJ Collie came on board she started to source out more great gear and bring in all this awesome new clothing soon they found that there just wasn’t the space in the W Shop. So they found this really cool space in downtown Kinzville and opened up the KinzStyle Outlet.

There are scads of shelves and racks in the space and they are stacked high with stylish hats, chic tops and funky skirts and pants. There’s even a shoe section in the corner. I just LOVE the shoe section. Did I mention that I got the sweetest pair of cowboy boots there last week? Well, I did and I rock them – obviously.

Although I do love hitting the KinzStyle Outlet, that PJ sure likes to talk. Every time I go in there she chats my ear off before I even get a chance to check out the new stock. Oh well, I can’t complain – she does have awesome fashion sense so I won’t hold her wagging tongue against her.

Once I manage to extricate myself from PJ, I can go and try on some of the fab outfits in the change room behind the racks. There are plenty of mirrors where I can admire my beautiful reflection. I pretty much look great in anything.

But my all-time favorite part of the Kinstyle Outlet is the Clothing Machine. It’s a machine in the back where you can insert three pieces of clothing and end up with a unique piece you can’t find anywhere else. I got the cutest little Seaside Sarong there the other day. It wasn’t easy – I was trying to ‘narrow’ it down for ages, but to get to the ‘bottom’ of it I realized I had to go in the opposite direction. I finally saw the ‘light brown’ at the end of the tunnel. And if you think I’m giving you any more hints than that – well, I don’t want just ANYONE walking around in the same sweet Seaside Sarong as me now, do I?

These are a few of the things that make the KinzStyle Outlet the most awesome place in Kinzville and the perfect place for someone as awesome as me.

86 Responses to Tour of Kinzville – KinzStyle Outlet

  1. david4006 says:

    i don,t get much there i am also going to get all that

  2. KInz lover says:

    i also agree

  3. david4006 says:

    i don,t go there often

  4. nerdiness2000 says:

    I spent so much time and kc and still didn’t solve it! Here are the things tried:
    flip flops, leafy swim top, wide tan pants
    flip flops, summer fun swim top, wide tan pants
    flip flops, wildflower swim top, wide tan pants
    flip flops, yellow tank top, wide tan pants
    kilt skirt, yellow tank top, wide tan pants
    kilt skirt, summer fun swim top, wide tan pants
    kilt skirt, wildflower swim top, wide tan pants

  5. cmkitten says:

    Hey I’m cmrainbow, the only reason I wasn’t using my account was because I couldn’t log on. Some of the other webkinz recipes have weird items in them so maybe it does have the cowboy boots in it. Please try some of these things, cowboy boots, wide tan pants, sparkly pink bow, ruby slippers, the stuff you can get on a vacation, yellow tank top, powder blue skirt, maybe even the academy skirt. I heard that all the items in it cost 50 bucks so try that to.

  6. nerdiness2000 says:

    OMG! the yellow tank tops gotta be in it!! Ok, maybe…

  7. nerdiness2000 says:

    OK…. leafy swimsuit top + kilt skirt + wide tan pants= patchwork shirt!! It has to contain a swimsuit piece!!!

  8. Kikiworm says:

    OMG every time I go into the Kinzstyle outlet she always talks for like 2 minutes and her speech bubbles make it hard to see the clothes!

    Peace! Kikiworm :) :D >3

  9. princess says:

    I love that i wish i could go there!

  10. Cmrainbow says:

    Guys there are more hints than you think!!! What she bought is a clue, so wide tan pants, cowboy boots, and I’m guessing a swimming top too. Hope this helps us on our big mission!!!!!

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