Travelling Tikko Goes Skydiving!

Remember our friend Travelling Tikko from the Ganz Road Trip earlier this year?


Well this just in!  Tikko has travelled to new heights in his quest to raise Autism Awareness!


This sensational Webkinz Polar Bear  has been flying all over the world spreading his message and now he’s been high in the sky outside of an airplane!


Last month Travelling Tikko brought his adventure to the sky and safely jumped from a plane over Toronto!


Where have YOU seen Tikko?


16 Responses to Travelling Tikko Goes Skydiving!

  1. snoleo says:

    are the signatures coming back if they are not it will never be the same

  2. vonwalz says:

    Thank you Webkinz for helping to raise autism awareness! There are too many misconceptions due to not enough information. My kids and I all have Asperger’s Syndrome, a developmental disorder on the autism spectrum. GO TIKKO!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. tuxeysnoopy2013 says:


  4. vonwalz says:

    This is great! Autism awareness is important as my kids and I all have Asperger’s Syndrome which is a developmental disorder on the autism spectrum. Autism is different for everyone and it would be terrific if more people understood it. GO TIKKO!!!!

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