On October 1st, a brand new Halloween room theme will be available at the W Shop. You’ll be able to buy the Trick or Treat Street room theme for KinzCash but, it will be removed from the shop at the end of the month, so I hope you’ve been saving!
As promised, I have the 2nd half of this theme to show you today. If you missed the first half, CLICK HERE to see it now.
The Trick or Treat Street Tree has 4 different designs that you can use to decorate. One of the designs features a beautiful fall tree without any decorations but the other designs feature the tree covered in spiders, orange lights and bats. Which version is your favorite?:
This fence is decorated with carved pumpkins and you will be able to place it anywhere in room.
Now we will finally have sidewalk tiles to match the street tiles that are available in the DECORATIONS section of the W Shop, under OUTDOORS. These are the only items that will stay in the W Shop after Halloween. The others will be retired until next October:
This lamp post will light the way for all those little trick or treaters on the big night:
Here’s a look at the hedge that will be included in this theme. You can choose to add a spider decoration to it or leave it plain (rotate the item in room to add the spider):
Finally, here’s a look at the gravestone decoration. This item has 2 different designs to choose from. These will make perfect decorations for Trick or Treat Street.
We really took your feedback into consideration when designing the final items. I hope you are happy with the way each item turned out.
Want to see how these items look like in room? During Podkinz episode 126, I actually show off 2 room designs I made using these items.
Remember, this theme will be available in the W Shop starting October 1st. What is your favorite Trick or Treat Street item? Let us know in the comment section below…
When this was first introduced, I was not impressed, but after watching Podkinz and seeing what it was all about, I love it and looking forward to building my Halloween community. Thanks for all the neat items art team!!
I like the tree with lights
I love the tree with the bats in it. All of these items are fantastic and cannot wait to start creating!!
I love this theme! The artists did an amazing job, Well Done! I can’t wait for them to be released. The trees and hedges will be perfect for fall decorating also. :}
Halloween isn’t even my favorite event and yet I’m really excited about these items! So much to use even for regular decorating!
Every single new item is just outstanding!
I love this theme! I can’t wait to start decorating. :)
I was wondering that myself! I’m also looking forward to perhaps having some new indoor paper/flooring and furniture for a new indoor room. I am however glad of the outdoor items as I’m collecting tokens for the Gargowl that I really want.
These are great! What a super imagination your design team has! :D I am looking forward to making a trick or treat yard.
I like the fall tree with lights. The sidewalk tiles and hedges are awesome! Can’t wait!