Trophy Showcase: Goody Gumdrops!


If you love gorging on gumdrops, this sweet arcade game is for you!


In this non-stop, side-scrolling action game, help Rhody Raccoon jump to eat gumdrops and stars, while avoiding obstacles and pests along the way! Each gumdrop and star he eats gives him the energy to keep running and jumping, so the more he eats, the further Rhody Raccoon will go!



PRO TIP: Focus on eating the gumdrop stars as much as possible, as they give Rhody the biggest boost to keep going.


The first time Rhody reaches 25000m, you’ll win a Goody Gumdrops trophy!



In both Webkinz Classic and Webkinz Next, Goody Gumdrops is available for everyone to play!








What are some of YOUR favorite trophies in either Webkinz Classic or Webkinz Next? Let us know in the comments below!




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16 Responses to Trophy Showcase: Goody Gumdrops!

  1. _xPho3nyxblade318x_ says:

    Lol, I used to play this game all the time when it came out!!

  2. InTheGarden2010 says:

    This is my easiest game ever I’ve won 300 kinzcash in one round lol ❤️❤️

  3. j9e9n9n9y9 says:

    I love trophies, but I don’t like playing at the arcade that much. I will have to play though so I can add this trophy to my collection! Thanks! :)

  4. threehounds says:

    If anyone checks the overall list of Goody Gum Drops, my pet is Harmony with a score of 100757. That is the old version score of Goody Gum Drops.

  5. beckymp says:

    Is this trophy active now? I just got past 25,000 for the first time EVER and didn’t get the trophy. Is it a guarantee, or a chance?

  6. mfaull says:

    I have not tried this game.

  7. kaitgomez says:

    I love this game!

  8. tuxkitty1 says:

    I love my Get Eleven Solitaire trophy.

  9. monsterhighrules323 says:

    This game is very difficult for me! I’ve tried and tried and get very few points. I hope others can get the trophy!

  10. lassok9 says:

    I feel bad for the hedgehogs. They look like they’re just minding their own business. :( I always try to jump over them.

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