TShirt Design Winner Now Available!


Guess what just arrived in the Webkinz Store on Zazzle? That’s right – the winning design in our Tshirt design contest is available now!


This is your chance to order the Webkinz Magic W Pet Shirt by hyphix! There are so many styles and colors to choose from!


And while you’re there, why not check out all of the cool gifts and apparel available in the Webkinz Store on zazzle.com?


31 Responses to TShirt Design Winner Now Available!

  1. webkinznerd says:

    is that the shirt that won?

  2. g2u3c4c5i says:

    Dear Ganz (or anyone who can help), I’m in a bit of a dilemma. I claimed my free dress from the Ganz Estore from today. I was excited to put it on my pet so I opened the mobile app on my phone. I was dragging the dress to my pet but accidentally dropped it on the my pet icon in the bottom left corner. Here’s the issue: MY PET ATE THE DRESS. It filled her happiness and hunger bars, and disappeared from my dock. It’s kind of hilarious, but still upsetting that I lost my gift. Please help me and fix this glitch! -g2u3c4c5i

    • Sally Webkinz says:

      It’s not possible for your pet to eat the dress, but it is possible that an item next to the dress was selected instead when you tried to drag it onto your pet. Please try looking for the dress again in your Dock. If you still cannot find it, please contact webkinzsupport@ganz.com

      • g2u3c4c5i says:

        Hi Sally, Thank you for your response. I was under the dress category of my dock so I couldn’t have gave her a food by mistake. To ensure this, I tried again with the Kinzville Academy Dress, which I had two of. Now I only have one and it raised her happiness and health, so I’m sure it wasn’t a mistake. Perhaps there is a glitch with the app? Thank you for helping- g2u3c4c5i

        • Sally Webkinz says:

          What is your pet currently wearing? You get a Happiness boost for changing your clothes, but you should find the dress on your pet when you drag it on it. I’ve tried to reproduce on my end, and my pet gets a Happiness boost and changes clothing.

          • g2u3c4c5i says:

            Thanks for your help Sally! I reloaded the app and found my items back where they belong! Nothing was eaten;). Thanks so much for your help and sorry for all the trouble. :) -g2u3c4c5i

          • Sally Webkinz says:

            Yay! :)

          • greenmagic77 says:

            Lol! I am done! XD your pet seriously ate the dress! Once when I was dragging clothing to me pet she said “I don’t want to eat that” but I was not even trying to feed it to her. At least she did not actually eat it. Lol!

  3. playnowpuppy says:

    Such a fan of hyphix’s design! ♡ While anything over $10 is too expensive in my book haha, the pricing isn’t too unreasonable and I’m kinda obsessed with how adorable the design looks on the baby romper. ^_^

  4. MidnightLuna says:

    It really pretty and all but it is much to expensive to buy with my usual amount of Webkinz. maybe if there was a really good sale…

  5. natalie13 says:

    Dont forget to go to Ganz for FREE customer Appreciation DAY ! YIPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Today June14

  6. bubbashuka says:

    Wowww, this is awesome! I

  7. greenmagic77 says:

    Congrats! BTW the design on the baby outfit is too cute!

  8. ilovemoonie says:

    Ahh, I really like this shirt!! It looks super good!! Congrats again, hyphix! :D

  9. latigers45 says:

    Looks awesome. Congrats hyphix!

  10. _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

    I really liked this t-shirt design. ^-^ It looks pretty professional. Very cool!

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