Tusslepuff Secret Recipe Solved!

Congratulations to CAP with Pacey for discovering the ingredients for Tusslepuff and winning the Super Chef Trophy!

7 Responses to Tusslepuff Secret Recipe Solved!

  1. Masterchef says:

    popcorn pretzel rootbeer = BASEBALL FLOAT
    lemon pie pear pumkin= FREAKY FLAN
    broccoli fishsticks peach= TUSSLEPUFF THAT IS THE RECIPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. 'lil sad chef says:

    yeah i agree! *Weep* fine i had an idea for a new recipe but i got gak just beacause i made it up. put durians artichoke and raspberries in the sandwichmaker. someone else figured that out i want that trophy i’m getting the super stove.

  3. sugarsweetpup says:

    I agree. I wish it would TELL you. not just say some guy won it. *sadness*

  4. buddyjay00 says:

    do any of u know the recipie to this

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