Twice the Fun!

Double your fun with TWO great group games! The Fantastic Snowman is back better than ever, but you don’t have to choose between it and the Great Cake Cookoff — both games have their own schedules and they don’t overlap!

Download Webkinz Next now — available for iOS, MacOS, Android and Windows 10.



22 Responses to Twice the Fun!

  1. ghostfan says:

    I miss the original snowman game when you just played at the top of the hour every 2 hours all day and night. I don’t like the new schedule because it alienates a lot of players, including myself who used to love playing this game in my spare time. I’m also not fond of the leader board. Reason being, and I found this out when the original game came out, is that some players are super competitive and will actually block the snowman so other players will mess up. Now that a trophy is involved, people are doing this even more. That’s why I gave up on this game a few weeks ago. And like others mentioned, you literally have to be either playing non stop and have no life outside of webkinz, or are setting reminders to play, and who has time for that?

  2. 436194 says:

    I feel the Snowman Trophy should go to the top three players.

  3. lemony says:

    Sally do you know if these prizes will be updated in future?

  4. maizzey says:

    My criticisms for Fantastic Snowman are: I wish each game was more like 5 minutes instead of 10. The aim is too sensitive, I wish slight movements resulted in slight adjustments instead of my snowballs flying off in that direction! Lastly, it can be difficult to see which line of snowballs is yours vs other player’s, so I think a visual distinction once you’re in game could really help. If those things changed I think I’d honestly love it, it’s a neat way to play with a bunch of people and get a few prizes. I enjoy random seasonal events like this :)

    • thebluestar2126 says:

      Exactly! The other day I ended up on a game that didn’t have many players and it took at least 15 minutes maybe even 20, and by halfway through I was thoroughly bored. I wish the games were shorter! I also agree over the aiming, I’ve ended up wasting a water refill because I mistook someone else’s line for mine.

    • paris747 says:

      I look at my score and can tell if the numbers are going up, then my aim is good.

  5. supermanandbatman4 says:

    That makes me so happy that the cake cookoff is staying!

  6. cr2w says:

    I’ve mentioned this before – the times are not good for 2nd shifters.

  7. BH1464 says:

    The way these contests are set up, the only way to win a trophy is if you have no life outside of Webkinz so you can stay on and participate in every contest, every day. How disappointing for those of us who use the site simply for entertainment or to de-stress in the few hours of free time we have available.

    • flumeride says:

      I 100% agree with you. I work full time plus I’m a part time college student. I play both Webkinz games and most days when I’m on Next, I’m lucky if I can participate in at least one, or sometimes two of the scheduled times for the games. I wish they could somehow create a fair way for players with busy lives to have a chance at the trophies. :(

      • thebluestar2126 says:

        Maybe they could make the games available all day every day but that players can participate only X times per day maximum? That way we could play whenever we were free but still have a chance to win the trophy if we play the maximum number per day?

        • crystalfawns53 says:

          I agree. It’s really difficult for people living in different time zones besides EST to participate in these events as well as people with part/full-time jobs. School can also interfere with this as well. I also just think by giving people a certain number of attempts that it will allow everyone to participate in the events and for the competition to be more fair.

    • lemony says:

      THIS is bang on BH1464. Most if not all , work or have a life outside of Next. Perhaps , and this will not go over well I am sure, allow players only ONE play a day? I wonder if that would help in the FAIRNESS aspect of the game.

    • qrax says:

      I couldn’t agree more! I think if I remeber correctly, last year there was no schedule that the snowman event operated on and it would be available at certain times throughout the night. I tend to play during weird hours, so that actually gave me a chance. Wish they’d do something like that again

    • Alexandrite_Ledger says:

      Oh I so agree, it is so stressful and annoying, like why..

  8. bright1234 says:

    Did both today, had fun at the Great Cake Cookoff

  9. p9988 says:

    Yay! Thank you for keeping the cake event; I love that one!!!

  10. JadeSweetSummer3 says:

    I like the fantastic snowman but I don’t like the cake cook off it gets in the way of trading.

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