UPDATED: Look for the Leprechaun Ads!

UPDATE: As a special St. Patrick’s Day treat, we are making ALL of the Find the Leprechaun Ads available today!!! Look for ALL nine ads around Webkinz World for a chance to win these awesome prizes!


The Leprechaun is hiding in ads around Webkinz World! And you could get lucky if you find the ads and click on them to earn Community Codes for awesome prizes – including a Golden Elm Sapling that you can customize yourself!


Here are the ads to look for:












Be sure to visit Webkinz World on March 17 to make sure you collect all the prizes!

100 Responses to UPDATED: Look for the Leprechaun Ads!

  1. princess0278 says:

    This would have been a fun St. Patrick’s Day game. But with not being able to find the codes, it was very disappointing. I wish the codes would be listed for all of us to get.

  2. Nineczka says:

    Ganz/Webkinz just don`t care whot we thing about

  3. suzanneauntie says:

    I had the same exact experience as 101Willster. I couldn’t have said it better myself! It’s very disappointing and frustrating!!

  4. alucard says:

    The fact that no one from the Ganz/Webkinz Company, has not bothered to post an informative reply here, really shows how much they DON’T care about the “FOUND IT” ads not working! What’s the use in having “FOUND IT” ad contest, if they don’t work? I’m just sad that we were all cheated out of a chance to get these lovely St. Patrick’s Day items.

  5. unicorn41 says:

    Yes, the whole event or let down was very disappointing for myself and my 5 children who are now not wanting to be on webkinz anylonger. Thank you so much for the rip off webkinz.

  6. ross1968 says:

    very disappointing thought this was going to be fixed so we could get codes wasted lot of time looking

  7. ImaPepper says:

    Congratulations to everyone who found the ads–it’s great that there was a second chance for those who missed them. Unfortunately, the ads stopped working for me, so even if I could have been on WW (the ONE day I was out of town on a field trip, lol), I might not have seen them anyway. Hope there are more parties in the park to look forward to, it sounds like it was a ton of fun. Hope everyone had a lovely St. Patrick’s Day!

  8. 101WILLSTER says:

    It was nice to offer all the codes yesterday, but since the ad event wasn’t working for everyone I’m assuming thousands of players still did not get the codes. I only found the ad on the first day for the bed and despite hours playing and searching each day including yesterday when all the ads were to be found I never found another “FOUND IT!” ad. Very disappointed! I agree with the others that the codes should be given to the community as there was a problem with this ad event.

    • pasval7 says:

      Yes, I totally agree. I too only found the 1st day as well as my best friend Kathy2707 & we are both deeply disappointed.

    • snugsandfriends says:

      It did not matter if you found them all or not. I have all of them…however they blocked the code area. They filled it with another Deluxe thing so if you are not a Deluxe player….too bad for you. No point to trying to get the prizes. I have been complaining about this for some time and just get ignored.

  9. lmj87 says:

    go back and do as before, there was no problems.

  10. lmj87 says:

    FIND THE ADS, sure if there wear any, I would love to have the seed.

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